I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@georgengondo My epidural was fine, and the pitocin wasn’t bad either. Barely felt any contractions for about 7 hours on pitocin. Then they broke my water and I started feeling them lol
@georgengondo I started off with an epidural to slow my contractions down enough for me to dilate father, and it wore off. 30 hours later I gave birth.. 24 hours of pitocin with no pain medication literally traumatized me. I burst blood vessels in my eyes and cheeks, punctured my hands with my nails, and felt dead after. No shame at all in getting some help to help you deal with the help!
@koolsheep What do you mean it wore off? I’m honestly curious because I was very wary of how I timed asking for my epidural because I have heard others say the same....

For mind I was hooked up to a machine that delivered a dose like every fifteen minutes - was yours the same and the doses just ran out and weren’t refilled or were you not hooked to a machine?
@bab I had a single dose administered upon admittal due to my contractions being 1-2 minutes apart before pitocin, but only being 3 cm. I'd been awake for days with the contractions but stuck at a 3, so they wanted me to sleep and relax. About 4 hours in they removed it (I wanted no pain medication) and within an hour or so it wore off enough for me to walk around again, 2 hours later I could feel everything again.
@bab Yes, it was a conscious decision. I was terrified of the way it made me feel trapped in my own body, and the pain was the worst thing I have ever experienced, but it was easier to cope with than the claustrophobia induced from being unable to move my legs.
@georgengondo With my first I was induced at 39 w pit, unmediated for around 7 hrs, then epidural at the recommendation of my OB. I was young so I was like sure whatever nbd. Best experience of my life, easiest labor and delivery!
@georgengondo The epidural made my delivery better :) My water broke and I wasn't progressing so they put me on pitocin which was really rough. My contractions went from feeling like they came in waves with rest in between to just painful and the epidural gave me a sense of relief/calm that I'm grateful for. I had a hard time figuring out when to push though. I didn't end up tearing, but feel like that was just luck. But I know some people have negative experiences and every birth story I've heard has been unique.
@georgengondo I didn't get the chance to have an epidural for my son, the labor went so fast that I was pushing before the doctor could arrive for the epi.

I'd say, had I had to be in labor for HOURS taking the epidural would've been a no-brainer for me (that was my plan, I wanted everything), but labouring for 50 minutes like I did, it's wasn't that bad. Don't get me wrong, it's baaaaad, but 50 minutes of it isn't 16 hours.

Problem is, you never know beforehand how long you'll labor, so I'd take it. That's what I had planned.
@jolene576 Lmao! The only thing that might help me (even though it’s not a good sign) is the fact my blood pressure skyrocketed last week from my normal 120-ish to 139. So I’m pretty sure if on this coming Wednesday if it hasn’t budged or went down, I’ll be induced. First baby though so I have no idea! Lol that’s exactly how I feel! Coming out with his college degree and everything!
@georgengondo I had normal blood pressure all throughout my pregnancy. I went to the hospital at 40 weeks to check to see if my water broke. It hadn't but my blood pressure was borderline high, so they induced me anyway. Blood pressure returned to normal after birth and I am currently writing this while breastfeeding my beautiful baby boy.
@georgengondo That all bordered around 140/90. They took measurement fifteen minutes for about two hours. I only had a few go over that number. I think my highest was 142/92. Because of those two or three, they diagnosed me with gestational hypertension.
@panchopeligro Okay now I know why my nurse (my OB has been out the last two times delivering, busy baby time I guess haha!) had that look on her face. I never knew what was “normal” and what was “high.” Thank you for that info! Because I’ve never been able to really feel my blood pressure, but the last week or so I’ve been feeling it go up and up and it’s not a fun thing. Last day of work today though!
@jolene576 I was 41+1 when my daughter was born. I totally understand your frustration. I had to be induced. This time my dr says if I don’t go earlier they’ll induce me before by due date because baby 1 was a chunk.
@georgengondo Hey, don't lose hope! I had my last OB visit with my 2nd at 38 and change and she was like, "well, you're totally closed, sorry you probably won't be having the baby too soon." And literally 10 hours later, baby. The on call OB couldn't even get to the hospital on time. Sending baby-delivery vibes the way of you and OP. =)