I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

@1godsman My husband and I were trying to talk about Blippi in front of our son without saying his name so I spelled it. Our 2 year old yelled, ā€œBippie!ā€. That jerk spells his name in every video.
@vel Oh god. I do NOT want to know. I already joke that all the boats and jet skis in his vids are his. I donā€™t want to know the truth.
@bigsurfer63 We were just talking about whether that excavator is his or if those are just magnets or stickers all over it. Wouldn't be surprised if he's just saying see ya later to dirt in his free time.
@vel Seriously! Out of pure curiosity (and because my son LOVES him), I googled him....and this mf-er was valued at $40 million in 2020!! His story was actually pretty impressive--from the very beginning, he set out to create a business and he thought out every single aspect of his image (the color scheme he uses, his name, his outfit) to maximize his future merchandising potential.

On a side note, he has his own mom fan club because without the ridiculous costume, heā€™s actually kinda smokinā€™ hot!
@guineagirl Wait, that means you looked after he scrubbed the internet of his antics. He deleted the YouTube video of him taking a shit on his friend bc he was trying to become ā€œinternet famous.ā€ I hate that dude. My kid loves him though. Which I also hate.
@christiancentipede No I read about that too. But Iā€™m not going to hold one video against him especially because he acknowledged it, apologized for it, and has tried to remove it every time it comes up. Plus, heā€™s an entertainer, itā€™s not like heā€™s running for President and we hold him to a higher standard..../s. My son likes to watch his shows and heā€™s learning new thingsā€”heā€™s happy, so Iā€™m happy.
@guineagirl ...a higher standard....Ha!!! TouchƩ.

I bonded w some parents (who I did not know) at the playground because we all began to sing the garbage truck song with our kids. Agree. As long as theyā€™re happy itā€™s all good.
@vel I figure the character that Josh Gad plays in the 2019 movie Little Monsters is basically based on Blippi, which kinda freaks me out a little hahaha