I hate this place


New member
I just want to start by saying WTF is up with America and health insurance and family leave. First my hospital bill for a c section and a 4 night stay was 56k. That is literally more than I make in a year. I don’t even have that in student loan debt. If I did not have insurance I would have cried but even then this is criminal. Next, my husband had to take time off since recovery from a c-section is not easy and I am limited to what I can do. His job wanted proof of a c-section and discharge paperwork stating what I can and cannot do. What the actual f***. I hate it here. End of rant.
@welshchild The system isn't broken, it is working perfectly. Trying health insurance to employment is a super effective tactic to keep people stuck at shitty jobs. Charging outrageous prices generates billions in revenue for parasitic insurance companies and countless middlemen. So yeah, the system is doing exactly what it is designed to do - siphon wealth from the working class to corporations.
@looking4answers89 Your system needs to be changed. Pretty much every other Western country manages to provide great public health care options, and decent parental leave. Everutime I hear these stories from USA, I want to hug all of you who have to go through it.
@katrina2017 I just read an article how a British woman took her paid maternity leave YEAR but then got pregnant again and took another paid year then pregnant again and another year and then again. That's when people started to complain (hence the UK article) when she had worked a total of only 11 months in the last 5 years but her employer was so fine with it and worked with her and she had her babies back to back. I was all what?!?! OH and they have social Healthcare too. That's how broken we are as Americans. Our 6-8 weeks unpaid... Is trash.
@justkelby I just want to chime in to clarify that in the UK, though birthing people get a year of leave, only 6 weeks are paid at 90% of your salary. Then the payment drops to a lot less than minimum wage for months, and totally unpaid for the last 3 months or so. So yeah, much better than the USA, but still bad.

Anyways, it still blows my mind to know that people living in wealthy countries don’t have access to public healthcare, job security, and a living wage.