I HATE this experience. I hate everyone saying it will be worth it. I just hate it!!!

@peteoro This describes me perfectly. I got a Zofran and liquid iv and felt over the moon. It's anti nauseau meds and hydration. It'll reset you. Good luck!
@peteoro That is 100% HG and you have to be hospitalised for it and given fluids! No wonder you’re miserable.

I also absolutely hated weeks 5 to about 11, but I felt the most sick between 5 and 8 then I got some relief. Currently 12w and feeling ok but I still feel like I’ve had the worst bout of Covid and now I feel like shit, achy and exhausted and nauseous most of the day. But I’m able to function at least.

Only ice water does it for me, slightly warm water is like drinking thick slime.

Go to the hospital!
@peteoro You may have HG. I had severe nausea from 4w to 16w, vomiting 4-5 days to start and 7-8 the closer I got to 8w. One day I vomited 18 times. I was diagnosed with HG then and couldn’t keep anything down. I went to the ER and was placed on IV fluids, and prescribed Zofran (my midwife later prescribed Diclegis too).

I also felt like this for the longest time, I promise it (usually) gets better. From 8 weeks to 16 weeks, I was so fatigued, my home was in disarray (my husband had to pick up all the cleaning tasks), I had days at work where I needed to work from my bed. I lost 10 lbs. Around 16w, it all started to look up. My belly also started showing more at 17w, so it’s made the experience feel even more “real” and like I always imagined it, in a more positive light.

Please tell your doctor about this and seek help. You don’t have to suffer!
@peteoro Borderline HG here. Borderline only because we figured out the right meds and doses. I couldn't keep water down the first trimester in either of my pregnancies until we figured out the right meds at the right doses. I was on Zofran for my entire first pregnancy or everything would come back up. My son is a happy healthy almost 3yo. I've been on Zofran + promethazine + as needed Reglan this pregnancy since week 5. If I stop, I puke. 34w today and everything going good.

I hate that meds during pregnancy aren't normalized. Yes, many women get sick through the first trimester, but if you can't keep water down, that's a PROBLEM. Take the meds! You get no trophy for suffering thru anything.
@peteoro I feel for you. I haven’t been vomiting but have been so nauseous 24/7, lightheaded, weak/fatigued and basically unable to move other than bed, couch, doctor. It’s a blessing I guess that I’m not puking, of course, but somehow being completely sick/non functioning is normal. It definitely makes me question if I can make it through this. I hope my commiseration helps or at least doesn’t hurt. I hope you feel better from fluids and are through this soon. I’m with you.
@martaja Thank you 🙏🏻 hoping you feel better soon too. This journey is definitely not the magic they sell it as!! I’m sure we will be happy in the end but right now it just SUCKS!
@peteoro Validation comment, not happy-happy-joy-joy

I had hyperemesis gravidum. I was puking daily until I gave birth.


IV fluids help. They are not a magic fix that makes you feel great, but they help.

The dehydration feeds the nausea, and creates a self fulfilling cycle.

There are probably stronger anti nausea meds available. It's absolutely ok to ask for a second opinion from another OBGYN, MFM or midwife.

I ended up needing 3x/week IV fluids, and a PICC line
@jamesbates Thank you! I ended up going to urgent care yesterday for fluids and they said it’s probably HG and it’s rare but I’m one of the lucky ones, haha. I feel better but definitely not human like yet. The misery has yet to subside!
@peteoro Have you considered a new doctor? It is so concerning to my that your OB isn’t taking you seriously. But like others have said, an ER visit for fluids is probably a good idea. Hopefully while there they can give you a proper diagnosis!
@looking_for_answers_ My mom wants me to switch doctors also. I have messaged several times and she wasn’t concerned in the slightest. She didn’t even acknowledge anything I said in my message about how concerned I am for the health of the baby and myself and how I’m severely dehydrated. She would just reply “I prescribed something new you can pick it up tomorrow”. And that was it. I ended up calling the nurse line and telling the person what was going on and he was very concerned and said to go to urgent care right away. So I did. The urgent care doctor gave me fluids and said it seems like HG.
@peteoro I’m so glad you got some fluids!

As far as your doctor, I would listen to your mom on this one. My first OB didn’t listen to me during my second pregnancy. The result was my son and I almost dying in labor. While that example is extreme (but true) it speaks to the importance of a good doctor. I switched OBs after that, and my current OB made my last pregnancy so wonderful! She took even the slightest concern seriously and would always be very comforting but thorough. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

Your insurance should be able to provide you with a list of OBs who take your insurance and from there I’d do some research on them and see how other patients have rated them. A good doctor makes a world of difference in how a pregnancy can go!
@peteoro Go to the ER and get an IV. I had to do that around 10wks.

Also, it really does suck and is miserable. My first pregnant was the same and I seriously did forget. Now I have baby 2 on the way and I'm like why the F did I want to be pregnant again!?
@peteoro I felt all this.. I couldn't believe I had to endure nausea for 12 weeks or more... I basically tried to sleep as much as possible bc I couldn't be nauseous if I was unconscious. It's so great when that part is over. But there's always something to endure, even after birth when your baby is here (people say breastfeeding is harder than giving birth. I agree times a million. It's insane how true it is, and how I didn't believe it at all).

But also, when things pass and are in the past, our memory of them is "it's wasn't that bad"... And because of that (and how shitty memory is for pain/discomfort) when baby is here, yes it makes everything worth it.
@peteoro Dear goodness, I’m so sorry! I feel the exact same way. I want those people to stfu lol.

But I do suggest going to the ER for fluids, like everybody else here. I think maybe you have hg? Your situation sounds severe and not fun and I would definitely bring this up to your doctor. My sister had hg for both of her pregnancies and the thing that helped the most was zofran. Good luck, I really hope you feel some relief soon!
@peteoro yep. im there with you sister. it’s been hell every day. but be careful, some people think you’re not allowed to complain and might say you’re being insensitive

please take care of yourself and go to the ER if needed
@peteoro I have a healthy 15 month old and still vividly remember how awful the first 20 weeks of pregnancy were for me. The nausea and food aversions SUCKED. The nausea did finally go.away at 20 weeks, but the food aversions stuck around the whole pregnancy.

Is it worth it? Yes. Does it make it suck any less? Absolutely not.

Also a bit of a warning: the symptoms can last longer than the 1at trimester. When I didn't get that "2nd trimester glow" I was so mentally crushed. I hate to be a downer but just something to maybe keep in the back of your head so you're not completely destroyed if you're still puking at 13 weeks!