I HATE this experience. I hate everyone saying it will be worth it. I just hate it!!!

@snowgirl14 Thank you. I really really really hope I’m better by the second trimester. I don’t want to get my hopes up but I truly don’t see how my body can take any longer of this!
@peteoro I feel the same. I'm 8weeks and have been throwing up everything I eat and drink. Its very frustrating. I called out twice already at work because I dont want to risk making a scene there. I didnt go to the er yet but booked an online consultation and I was prescribed zofran. My urine is still normal light yellow color. The only times I can eat and drink is at night, when I get up to pee. I sneak in crackers and sips of water. With zofran, I can manage to eat 2 spoons without throwing up and drink normally. But I'm scared of what I've been reading about constipation being a major side effect.

I really hope it gets better for all of us suffering from bad morning sickness.
@ironhorse Yes I was prescribed zofran at the urgent care yesterday. It seems to be helping. But my family friend said to be ready with some approved stool softener because it can get brutal!