I HATE this experience. I hate everyone saying it will be worth it. I just hate it!!!


New member
8 weeks. I feel like total crap 24/7. I throw up every 2-3 hours even when I have nothing in my system. I try one sip of water and this freakin hydrophobic kid has me ralphing within the hour. I cannot keep anything down. I’m so dehydrated and my doctor doesn’t give a shit she just keeps prescribing more anti-nausea stuff that doesn’t work. NOTHING ever sounds good. I miss enjoying food and water. I loved water so much before this. I can stomach a popsicle and that’s it. It’s not even good it’s just the only thing that doesn’t make me vomit immediately. My urine is dark yellow. I feel like I’m on the verge of a UTI at all times.

I miss wanting to eat.
I miss feeling like a human.

I miss enjoying life.
I miss being able to function.
I miss not being miserable 24/7.

I’m over everyone seeing how miserable I am and saying “it wiLL aLL bE WoRTh iT”. Or “yoU WiLL fOrGet aS SOoN aS yOu hOld yOur ChilD nOthInG eLse wiLL maTTeR”. Or “it’s just the first trimester” JUST?! That means I have FIVE more weeks of feeling like this?!?!?!?!?! It’s only been about 3 now and it’s been the longest 3 weeks of my entire life and I HATE it. I don’t think I will survive another week let alone FIVE!

It’s 2023 for god sakes how has modern medicine not come up with an effective way to avoid this part of the process yet?!?!?!

I would rather be checked into a hospital and put in a coma for the next 5 weeks then try to live through this complete misery for the next 5 weeks.

Yes I’m happy I’m having a baby and I will love them I’m sure but right now that’s not really cutting it.
@peteoro Like everyone else says, please go to the ER and ask for fluids! If needed, tell them you've been puking nonstop for a week so they'll be more likely to give them to you. I've been in ER 3 x during this pregnancy, and they always give me fluids. If this on3 doesn't, go to another one (if it's not too too far away).

As far as everything else.. WE ARE WITH YOU!!! Haha many of us on here seemingly hatr being pregnant, and this is a wonderful safe space to vent and let it out and commiserate and bitch with other mama's going through similar things. Welcome to the journey.... 💜💛
@peteoro Depending on where you live and your insurance situation, it may be cheaper and easier to look into an IV hydration clinic. They're popping up around major cities/party towns these days. I've gone several times. It's basically a spa setting where you get IV drips of your choice.
@trumpetsounds I have messaged my doctor several times letting her know how concerned I am about my dehydration and how often I’m vomiting and she couldn’t care less. She’s like “here’s a new prescription you can pick up tomorrow” and that’s it. Doesn’t even show any slight concern over the rate of vomiting. She’s acting like it’s normal.
@peteoro I was going to post this too. Besides the anti nausea meds have you gone in for fluids? If you’re dehydrated and can’t keep anything down and haven’t already done this - please consider getting IV fluids! You can do this at some urgent cares or ER. You don’t need to wait on your doctor to do this.
@sfva Oh really? I thought she had to recommend it for some reason. My co pay for an ER visit is like $250 I think. So I’m trying to avoid it haha.
@peteoro They can definitely recommend it, but you can also go on your own. What is the co-pay for urgent care? Not all of them offered this but I called around and was able to get it done at one.
@peteoro You can ask for a zofran pump be put in. It's like a tube that goes in and it works to give you the zofran anti nausea medicine that way. A lot of patients I have seen with hyperemesis had to get a pump bc they were getting sick 24/7.
@jackson12 Yes I don’t see the point of the medication because I mean I would love to say it isn’t working but realistically how do I really know when I am throwing it up anyways after taking it?
@peteoro Zofran should be dissolved under the tongue as it works by being absorbed by the mucous membranes. Are you swallowing it when u should be dissolving it? Have you checked the directions?
@peteoro I ended up in the ER for the same reason and 7 hours later, I got an IV (which honestly didn't seem to make a difference) but the best part was they gave me phenergan (promethazine) with the IV. The phenergan lasted about 3 days in my system so for 3 days I was eating and drinking as much as possible with zero nausea or vomiting.
@peteoro It’s not normal to be throwing up that frequently. Go to urgent care or the ER like the other commenter said. You are losing fluids and also electrolytes. If the meds aren’t working this is especially true.
@peteoro I was like this and no one took me seriously. At one point my doctor just didn’t even get back to me when I complained of severe sickness. It wasn’t until I was around 16 weeks that a midwife said it turns out I have HG. I literally looked so drained and malnourished it was so obvious that I was unwell. I suffered like this until 25 weeks when it finally eased up.

Pregnancy is so tough on the body, I don’t know why doctors are so dismissive. I feel so awful for you, I know how terrible it is. There was literally NOTHING I wanted to eat without throwing up at the thought of it.

I survived off ice, sports/isotonic drinks and buttered toast with a pinch of salt.

Please, if you can, seek medical attention and advocate for your health as best as you can!! You deserve to be taken seriously, it’s no joke. You need nutrition for your body and I don’t know why doctors are so reluctant to take it seriously. I’ve developed an anxiety for getting sick due to the trauma of my pregnancy sickness. I’m overly cautious about avoiding things that have even the smallest chance of making me feel sick.

I really really feel for you. I wish there was something that could be done to instantly make you feel better. Have you tried the anti sickness pregnancy tea? Or the Preggo Pop Drops? They’re both available on Amazon. I’m not sure of the science behind it or what the ingredients are, so double check it’s okay before trying if you decide to. These things helped a tiny bit for me, maybe they’ll give you some relief too. Best of luck!!🤞🏽
@peteoro The smell of water made me puke, adding a flavor helped me or straight up I was thinking a lemon soda. It's not ideal but I didn't throw it up. Carbonated spring water is an idea too.

I hope this passes for you soon!!!