I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy


New member
Like seriously F off. And screw the equality argument. As if women aren’t doing literal work too. Or is it not equal because it’s “womens work”. If someone was a nanny and made 50k a year, is it still lazy????

Mega eye roll.
@daryle Judging people about the kind of work they do is just bullshit in general. We shouldn’t be denigrating “burger flippers” or “toilet cleaners” either. It’s all work.
@caelo21 I hate the idea that when you do have a job it’s supposed to be something meaningful. I don’t see what’s wrong with work just being a way to get money.
@drdeck Right? I'm a professor and some of the pressure I see on students to become the next doctor when they would have been way happier in a trade is immense. Find something that you love or can put up with to pay the bills, or literally any job so you can pay rent, and be open to change if you hate it.
@drdeck For me personally, I would stab my eyes out if my work weren’t “meaningful” and satisfying at the end of the day.

But as a societal rule, yes I agree.
@bharati21 Same. We did a Jack Daniels tour last year. At the factory portion, I asked if they change jobs throughout the day she said no. The QCer just does that. The box maker just does that. In my head, I was like “ughhhhh, I hope they make $100k bc it sounds horrible. I would die.”

That night there was a post on r/jobs or r/adulting about just wanting a repetitive factory work job where they could listen to music for 8-10 hour straight. It hit me so hard then.
@daryle It’s weird I don’t think badly of others for being stay at home parents but I do think badly of myself I wish I could get a job that worked around school hours or paid enough to offset the difficulties it would cause like needing childcare in the holidays or having to sort out who would get them when they are ill. Maybe it’s partly because I’m bad at all of it.
@chole1 Yes! Both of my kids are in school now and I would like something part-time, but finding something I qualify for that will work around school hours, not work every weekend/holiday and be understanding when kids are sick are slim to none. I've looked for at home jobs with not much luck. A lot sound like a scam.
@colby1122 Have you looked into volunteering?
It’s the best of both worlds-You can work around the kids schedule while getting out of the house & doing something completely different.

I’ve been doing this for awhile and just this past school year I’ve picked up a lot more hours than when I started. I usually go to the hospice admin office 3-4 days a week from 10-2-ish.

The other alternative is if your child school needs help in the school cafeteria. You have school days off, summers off. It’s usually mid morning to early afternoon and done before school lets out.
My friend does this at her children’s school and loves it.
@syndiseok Perhaps I can look into volunteering while I look for something. I'm in Canada and there's no cafeterias in elementary schools (at least in my province), but that would be nice.
@colby1122 Have you thought about becoming a substitute teacher? I taught elementary school before staying home and we had several people who started subbing at our school because they were looking for some occasional income once their children went to school. It was convenient for them because their child could just walk down to their classroom once the school day was over.
@wmusic I don't have any post secondary. Is this an American thing? Because I've heard this on some other groups too. Maybe it's because we have a lot of teachers on waiting lists, but don't think this is common here.
@colby1122 I got on jobslinger.com and have started merchandising. Had to cut it short last night and having hella anxiety because I have three shops due tonight. Dad couldn’t handle dinner and valentine boxes. If I can be a little quicker jobs in my area are going $15-$30 for an hour or two of work. Not sure if that’s your cup of tea but someone posted this a week ago and I’ve had great luck. Maybe someone else can see it here.
@darlene1 What is merchandising? I thought that was, like, setting up store displays and stuff.

This definitely sounds up my alley, bc I’m writing on the side, which I love, but take time to build up, which I don’t love and neither do our bills.