I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

@savemonopolylatw2votv Teach him how to do the thing. It's stupid that we have to, but that's the way to break away from being the Ruler. Make the planning a meeting that you're both involved in. A weekly meeting is a great way to do this. Sit down and look at your calendars for the next week. Do your meal plan. Figure out what tasks need to be done and divide them up. Don't just invisibly do this and hand him a list. He helps make the list. He learns how this thinking is done and you both contribute. Then he's involved in choosing his responsibilities, too.

If there's anything he gets that he doesn't know how to do, show him once or twice. Then it's up to him. Show him what all needs done to clean the bathroom. If he is planning your kid's birthday party, help him make the list. You say okay, so it's a kid's birthday party. What all do we need? Food. Yep. We'll need a cake, finger foods, and a meal that's easy to serve to a crowd. All kid-friendly. What else? Decorations. Blah, blah.

Or just tell him to Google it 🤷‍♀️. But if you want it done a certain way, set up a standard and help him figure it out once. If he's claiming he can't do it after that, it's weaponized incompetence and it's time for therapy or divorce.
@savemonopolylatw2votv A different side to the same coin: they might have also grown up in a household where not even the mom cared about those things, then they lived on their own once becoming an adult, and you are the first person who has ever told them they have to do things like dust, mop, etc. If you grow up living with hoarders, you aren’t going to automatically be as savvy about all of the little cleaning upkeep things since no one ever set that example for you. That is the issue my husband has had—zero role models for cleanliness and organization in his life, so he has had to be instructed about what to even look for. He gets better all the time but boy was it an uphill battle for a while…
@roryrichards Omg I feel this. I sent my husband an article about the mental load.. and I don’t think he gets it yet. Yesterday we had company, and I literally did everything, our friends have 3 kids so their hands were full. I served their kids dinner, I got dinner for my baby, and then served dinner for myself.. meanwhile husband was on his second plate. Just chillin and chattin. When they left he noticed I was upset, so I told him how things looked from my perspective.. the man had the AUDACITY to tell me “if you had asked I would’ve helped!” And I’m over here screaming inside of my head “you have eyeballs! You’re an adult” .. nobody asked me to help our friends, I just noticed they could use a hand given that they were busy with their kids climbing on them, so I helped. At no point did my husband think “hmmm I should help too” .
He did come to his senses later and apologized which I’m glad he did, because the man seriously blamed me for not asking him 😶
They really are something else.