i don’t wanna pump anymore

Btw.. it's normal to pump that much..
I make half an ounce with the non existent boob..and 2 ounces average on the "good" boob.. 3 ounces if I am lucky..
So your supply is good..
Most of the time I latch my girl on the Slacker boob to help bond and occupy her while I pump the other side.. not much milk comes out.. so it's mostly a comfort thing for her lol
@newtofaithjennifer i have noticed that i have a good boob and a boob that makes a bit less. but sometimes they switch! i wish i knew how much each boob was giving her each time she fed lol. what pump are you using for the other side?
@newtofaithjennifer thank you for this. and high five on doing it on your own because it really hasn’t been easy and i’m only 2 weeks pp. but she’ll be 3 weeks on monday! i have my mom and my sister come by to walk my dog occasionally but they’re nurses so they have crazy schedules and can’t really help as much. congrats on making it to your 4 months! you’re amazing
@brandon_d I see you work from home and so there's not a lot of reason to pump and bottle feed luckily and you definitely don't need to be pumping now if baby is gaining fine!

Pumping is the pits. I hated every second of it - I had an oversupply that I had to pump to relieve when my first slept through the night and my second I had to give bottles for a few months due to a tongue tie and not transferring well - I was so excited to quit pumping both times.
@p4tience ahhh okay i see! i actually would wake the baby up when i felt like i needed to relieve my breasts, and also to maintain her schedule. i didn’t know i could just let her sleep.
also… what is a tongue tie 😖 i haven’t heard that term yet
@brandon_d If baby is past their birth weight you probably don't have to wake them up. I think the general rule of thumb is that if they are sleeping for 5 or less hours after that it's not really a danger to your supply and potentially, depending on your storage capacity you may be able to go longer even!

A tongue tie is when the tongues movement is restricted. There's a lot of opposing views on them, if you aren't having pain with breastfeeding and baby is gaining fine while breastfeeding it's probably not an issue for you to look into! We didn't have our baby's revised so it took a little while for her to get big enough to really nurse effectively.
@brandon_d Just here to say yeah, pumping blows. But also, do not be hard on yourself. 1-2 OZ 2 weeks PP is completely normal.

I breast fed both of my sons.

The first, I pumped almost immediately hoping it would ease my PPD. It absolutely did not. It made it worse because I messed up my supply and my boobs became even more sore. I only was able to feed him for 6 months.

My 2nd, I didn’t touch a pump until 12 weeks when my breast no longer felt weird or full, I ended up feeding him for 1 year.

You can ABSOLUTELY exclusively breast feed with out a pump. That was my preferred method.
@crystalsherie thank you!! i’m hoping i can breastfeed for that long as well. do u have any tips on maintaining your supply diet wise? or did you do anything or eat anything to make your breast milk last that long? i’m not sure if im asking the questions the right way. i’m just trying to make sure i can feed her as long as possible without having to switch to formula
@brandon_d I just wanna say how amazing and brave you are. I have a husband, and it is hard for me to take care of my newborn. You are such a strong woman doing it all by yourself
@brandon_d Every nurse I encountered told me to wait at least a month before pumping because your supply is still unregulated so by pumping you’d confuse it. Just trust your baby will give your body the right infos about how much they need :) now I’m 6 weeks and I have zero interest in pumping lmao that’s too much work fuck that 🙄 but until now I used the Hakka/elvie curve to catch let downs on the other breast while breastfeeding and I could save a quite bit of milk that way, which is milk that would have been lost anyways so maybe just do that, it’s so much more efficient! Also, girl you got this!!!!!! I’m sorry you’re going through it alone, you are a super Mama and your baby is so so so lucky to have you 💖🫶🏻🌹
@paulg1993 thank you 🥹🥹 i really needed to hear that actually, it definitely has been a bit difficult to acclimate but she’s an angel and i’m lucky to have her. i’m gonna try the hakaa! i’ve also heard about the elvie curve. do you have a preference on which one?
@brandon_d i knowwww this is sooooo tough damn and i have my partner working at home so i'm literally the luckiest and it's still tough, i cannot really even imagine how strong YOU must be, and just yesterday i was thinking how incredibly strong mamas without a partner are!! i'm in awe of all of you for real
@brandon_d You are amazing for doing it on your own!! Hang in there. My baby kicks me and my husband's a** and your by hourself! I used to only pump 2 extra times a day and I am 8 weeks pp and I have a slight oversupply now. Getting 1 to 2 ounces after nursing is actually really good! Your supply starts to regulate by week 6 to 8 so you might produce slightly less after that. I get 2.6 ounces to 5 after a nursing session and according to a lactation consultant at 8 weeks thats and oversupply. Most women only get .5 to 1 ounce so considering you are only 2 weeks out it sounds good to me but I am no professional. Maybe pump less or stop. You really only need to pump for when you go back to work or want bottles.
@jordan11315 thank you so much! so far she’s been an angel. i’m gonna try to pump less this week and then next week stop pumping in general and see how it goes. how old is your baby?
@jordan11315 whoaaaaaaa. my longest wake window has been 4 hours so far. she doesn’t cry either! only when her diaper is soaked and she’s on the changing bed naked. she sleeps right after she feeds. i know it’ll change soon lol. i wouldn’t know what to do for 11 hours with her.
when she’s awake i just talk to her like she’s a bestie
@brandon_d Awww. I talk to mine to and sing to her lol! I wait till my husband comes home so I can finally sleep lol! You are so lucky, hope she stays that way! Your doing great though ao far 😀.
@brandon_d My son is nearly 6mo and I’ve literally never pumped. Ever. And he’s never had a single bottle. He’s fed 100% straight from the tap lol. He’s a healthy, happy, chunky boy!

As someone else suggested, you should look into baby-wearing. Super handy. My oldest was stuck on me like glue, she was always in the carrier. My youngest is also a velcro baby but he prefers to face out so I’ll do short stints facing out in the carrier, but I also have a hip seat that supports his weight and makes it way easier to hold him facing out and do things with my other hand. Yeah it’s not totally hands free, but it’s way easier not having to support his weight.