I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m never going to get to where I want to be


New member
I’m 5 months post partum. I’ve never been skinny and have always been on the “chubby but shapely,” side. Before pregnancy I was at the gym almost daily, I lifted heavy, ran a ton, and did HIIT. When I got pregnant I was sick most of my first trimester so I didn’t workout, and when I did my GD test, my results were hight but not high enough to get diagnosed. Because of that I spent my second and third trimester eating well and walking a ton.

Now I just can’t seem to get my weight under control. I am breastfeeding and I have a pretty decent oversupply. I am working out daily. I haven’t had a lot of time to go to the gym but I did complete the Insanity workout program and literally nothing has happened to my body other than gaining a whopping 10 lbs from my post birth weight. I gained 20 lbs total during pregnancy, I lost 15 lbs in the week after giving birth, and now I’m back up again.

I hate the way I look. My stomach is huge. I’m busting out of all my clothes. I don’t think my husband finds me even remotely attractive (even though he says he does). I am trying to eat healthy but I am just so hungry that I can’t help but snack in the evening. But I’m not even snacking on anything bad! I know I’d have no self control with sweets or junk food so I don’t buy it. I just overeat the healthy stuff. Idk what to do.
@bridgida Be kind to yourself. Hormones don't level out for a while. It took 9 months for that baby to grow, so give yourself that plus more to recuperate. Hydrate, eat lots of protein and start back slowly.
@bridgida I didn’t lose until I weaned at 12 months pp - and then the weight fell off and redistributed. I’m now back at my pre pregnancy weight at 16 months pp, and most of my prepregnancy clothes fit again.

Also, some of the part where your stomach feels huge could be diastasis recti/core weakness that leaves your organs a little less support and that can lead to a bigger belly. You can find some postnatal workouts on YouTube that are good for this. And be careful, because some other exercises can make it worse - but it is fixable, if that’s one of your problems.
@jluponeage This, I remember reading posts saying they only got their old body back 2hyrs pp, or countless saying it only came back post weaning and thinking that's so so far away

But they were right and it comes sooner than you think and suddenly you have a toddler and your old body back

Not to say it didn't suck, hated having the pp body for so long, especially with friends who got the lucky other deal where it all just fell off with breastfeeding. But it does come right again, just another thing they didn't warn us was part of the cost of pregnancy
@derrickolley The worst part for me is we’re considering trying for a second in the next year or so, which means I’ll get to enjoy my body for a year and then repeat. At least this time I know how it feels and can be more mentally prepared and I’ll have bigger clothes on hand and all, but the prospect daunting. Worth it to me, but daunting nonetheless.
@jluponeage 100% and party of being one and done for me

Not the only reason by any means, and not about looks so much, but the thought of having to rebuild my physical ability for sport all over again...I just don't want to deal with another 2yrs of being unable to race/climb/surf....
@bridgida It sucks but Unfortunately the only way to start losing would be to start counting calories. No amount of exercise will do anything for you if you're consuming more than you burn.. I used this calculator


Now I'm actually trying to build muscle with weights and wanted to eat a little more, so I'm eating maybe 200 below my maintenance calories and using weights for about 30 minutes a day. I'm still very slowly but steadily losing weight, 5 months pp and breastfeeding 🙂

Best of luck to you :)
@bridgida No worries :) a couple more tips in case they're helpful -

After using the calculator, I subtracted maybe 200 from what was suggested. So for me it suggested 1700 calories, I chose 1500. I tried 1400 and my supply dropped, so keep in mind not to go too low

Remember, do something sustainable so you don't gain the weight back. Creating good habits is the most important. For me I just try to do some type of movement every day. If baby let's me workout 30 minutes, great. If I only get a few sets of Brazilian split squats in (those things are hard, lol!), I'll try to work out longer tomorrow 🤷‍♀️

For the first couple months I was just speed walking on the treadmill and counting calories, I went from 153 to 135 doing that consistently 😀 the app I use is called My Net Diary, I think I pay 10 bucks a month but there's free ones out there I believe

Another thing is take before pictures! I know it sounds weird but it's motivating in a way. Even just 1 or 2. I like the progress pics sub here since it motivates me 😅 I also just joined a Facebook group called Milky Fitness (for breastfeeding moms haha)

Best wishes too you, you can do this 🤗
@bridgida 🙂 just joined it last night, tbh I haven't seen anything super useful yet but we'll see 😅 my favorite sub here is r/PetiteFitness but not sure if you're petite :) there's other fitness subs that seem helpful also 😊
@bridgida Took me two years and being done with breastfeeding to lose any weight. It can take time! I was definitely able to build strength and fitness though.
@bridgida I didn’t get my body back until 11 months pp. I nursed for 2 years, so I don’t think nursing helped or hindered. But I really plateaued until closer to 7 months pp, then I lost that last 30 lbs without trying very hard. Everything I did prior to that did not lose the weight.
@bridgida 5 months pp as well! my weight has been stable all this time after birth, i give my body the time to adjust especially that i still did not finish breastfeeding. it’s hanging on to fat because it is supposed to. it is hard to be kind to yourself right now but this is the time we need it the most 💛
@bridgida I feel this. Same kinda body things going. I started carnivore. 3 weeks ago. Swelling down, down 13 lbs. I eat till I’m comfortably stuffed. Plus it leaves out the guessing game of what’s for dinner/lunch/breakfast. Beef butter bacon eggs. Super cheap too. I do have avocado to up my fat and some berries. After the original carb withdrawal headache (about 3 days in) I feel solid. More energy, clear brain, good belly (I’m regular again!). I’m 3 months postpartum. I do yoga on occasion when I can find the time but the diet is big. All veggies were doing was bloating me up, inflaming my joints and making me miserable. Look up Dr. Ken Berry on YouTube. I wish you luck dear! ❤️
@kisseslivingforjesus Hiya, I am dying to get back to carnivore. It was the absolute best thing for leveling out my hormones and making me feel awesome, but I am worried about supply.

Are you breastfeeding at all? If yes, did it affect your supply at all?
@johnsaviorman Hey! I was but unfortunately I’ve got terrible case of Reynauds/vasospasms (along with everything else going against us- c section, tongue and lip tie, etc) so I had to stop. Another reason I hopped back onto this train - autoimmune issues came back. I lost the superpowers my son gave me while I was pregnant. 😫 This kinda lifestyle always keeps my symptoms at bay.

However, there’s a lot of info about how it’s fine. Check out themeatbasednutritionist on instagram. She’s got a free guide on how to do it while breastfeeding. And I do believe Ken Berry’s wife Niesha Salas Berry has a ton of info on how to be carnivore/ketovore while breastfeeding.