Plain given up on dating, but I don't feel too bad about it

@disciple2011 He's spot on. I'm in my early 30s, and no way in hell will commit to a woman with children.

You may be able to find a guy who's in his physical, monetary prime - but doing so will require a lot of work from you. Most dudes who get to this age and have taken moderate care of their bodies and have a solid career have options (finally).

It really shouldn't be controversial, but I admit I say this in the anonymity of Reddit because it's really distasteful to say the reality. Your sexual market value (smv) has substantially decreased. Again, you may be able to pull some guy in his 30s, but keep in mind you're competing with every girl your age, who doesn't have kids, all the way down to 18.
@disciple2011 Well,, yeah. Women sleep around and date / have kids when they're young. Men's prime time is in their 30s/40s after they got a good job and got their shit together. Why should men settle when they have options now? It's not that they're afraid of committing, its that they want to see what else is out there. Most men don't want to take care of someone else's child or a single mom and that's OK. It's called preference

edit: it is absolutely different for men. For example, I've had women say its a perk that I'm capable of taking care of a child and the girl I'm talking to says she's always wanted a family, but has never wanted to be pregnant or go through that process/ post partum depression. I don't blame her. Sounds dreadful
@blondebriana Here's a sneak peek of /r/stepparents using the top posts of the year!

#1: Stepson's exclusive wedding plans reveal true feelings, and it isn't good.

#2: So I was very petty today and I don’t regret it one bit. I’m removing this post soon because I know all the self righteous will downvote the hell out of it. But I had to share for those of you who get it…lol

#3: My SO is upset because I'm planning something with his exes SO

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@jesussoncurt Why are men so convinced young women around my age (23) would prefer an older man in his 40s+ instead of a younger one? I can tell you from experience, the reason we get with older men is for financial security. Not because we think a middle aged man is “prime” for relationships. Ok, they did a twitter poll for women. Would you date a wealthy 45 year old or a wealthy 25 year old? and 89% of women selected “wealthy 25 year old”
@disciple2011 The surface fear is commitment. But deep down, there are many other fears. Once a man accepts or conquers those fears, he will be able to commit and give you his heart.

Don't give up. Your emotionally strong man will find you.
@disciple2011 I completely understand mom of 2 boys and a girl here 28. And I just don’t want to date at all. They are all skummy I feel like. Good luck to ya momma. Take you’re time.
@disciple2011 Never give up. Keep going on ur pace. Most of marriages romance is over due to many reasons. N when u r out of it n available u just need a good man to recharge ur energies again that all. One good lover u r back. U need to let go what u r holding in ur heart. N think that u can’t participate dear. U r 29 yrs it’s nothing. I am 41 n I am back in action better than my 20s. Come girl!!
@disciple2011 Dating is for when you want to get to know someone that you can see yourself spending time with.

The problem is that it's been seen as a way to get into each other's pants.

Its perfectly fine to give up on dating and wasting time and money on something that may or may not be there tomorrow.
@disciple2011 45 m here. I’ve been single for 2 years now, have not dated seriously at all, and am fine with taking the slow road. I am totally open to meeting the right person, organically, in real life. In the meantime, making quality memories with my 7-year-old daughter is a blast. We just got back from a week at the Outer Banks, and we’re heading to Iceland for a week in August. Have a great trip to South America!