I don’t get it


New member
I see so many social media posts about changing wake windows and oz fed. How?? I feed my LO when she’s hungry, she stops when she’s satisfied. I put her to sleep when she’s tired, she wakes when she’s rested. The most control I have/ impose is waking her up. How do they control so much of their baby’s schedule? It just doesn’t seem possible to me, am I missing something?
@15gb2 I had to have a strict schedule or else I’d lose my mind. I completely lack the ability to intuitively understand my baby’s cues. Working off wake windows and doing oz feedings (I exclusively pumped) assured me that my child was sleeping enough and eating enough.
@15gb2 I never worried about schedules either and just followed baby’s cues. She breast fed so we never measured her intake in ounces either. You don’t have to do what social media is telling you! I just followed my instincts and parented like a cavewoman and it’s been wonderful.
@logmantm I also am on the cavewoman train lol I definitely don’t follow social media rules and just don’t understand how they can get their baby to do what they want. I think I must have a very strong willed LO.
@logmantm Same. And my five month old, exclusively breastfed daughter sleeps eight hours straight at night. I'm so well rested compared to all the schedule obsessed parents that I know!

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