I broke the pact, I peed on a stick, then 3 more just to be sure..


New member
And the pix don't lie. BFP!

I don't know what to do with myself. I'm somewhere in between of being really excited, to being 'nawwww SOMETHING IS WRONG, THIS IS TOO EARLY!!!"

I'm only 8/9 DPO, can't be sure, because I missed my O date by accident!!! Here is the breakdown.

I'm 31, my husband is 33. We got married 3 months ago after being together for 7 years. We started trying right away, cuz we ain't getting any younger. First cycle resulted in a CP. I was testing BFN up until the day I got my period (12DPO). After about a week of still bleeding, I took a test and saw a BFP. I knew something was wrong, wasn't too sad. I got fertilized. That's what mattered most.

Second cycle was hilarious. I was waiting until CD20s to ovulate, because that's when I ovulated the first cycle. Waiting, waiting, waiting, nothing. CD25 I'm thinking that I'm never gonna ovulate. Recheck my chart, maybe I ovulated! Yes! I did! I'm actually on 10DPO! PEE ON EVERYTHING. GET ALL BFNs. Few days later, nah maybe I didn't ovulate. My chart is all fucked up. Why? Because of my high temps on CD1 (my temps never plummeted, because I had the CP, so they were still high = fucked my chart up)

I'm on CD 36. I'm OVER THIS SHIT I'M NEVER OVULATING. This was a Friday. Saturday morning, not taking temps, not OPK. Why? I said I wasn't gonna ovulte. But, we had some random sexing. Sunday - not testing, I'm over it, remember? Last Monday - I check my temp and it is sky high. Shit. I fucking ovulated. Of course. So I made my husband have some sex with me JUST IN CASE. Within a few hours, he comes down with a crazy 24 hour bug. I'm so glad we did it in the AM. My temps are high until today, so O was confirmed.

I did not symptom spot, but I did notice 2 things that happened last cycle during TWW - slight nausea. I am NEVER nauseous during PMS, since I started my period, so that was different. Two nights ago I started feeling a pressure in my uterus. It just felt kinda heavy. Came home last night around 6PM with my teeny symptoms and just wanted to pee on something. I have like 100 Wondfos, so why not.

1st test - no way, it's wrong
2nd test - whaaa? no no whaaa?? seirously?
3rd test - OK WHAT THE FUCK.

This was all 3 different urines at night.

This AM, the mighty FRER - FMU. That little thing started turning immediately. Strong BFP.

Line Porn
Chart Porn

Ladies, I know it's early and anything can go wrong. The fact that I had nothing until after 12DPO last cycle and got a strong BFP on 8/9 DPO is a really really good sign for me. I hope this baby sticks in the right place in there.