I am not a good mom today

@mariejustice54 I had a day like this and my friend drove 90 minutes to my home so I could take a nap while she tended to the baby. I didn’t asked her to, just expressed that I was at my limit physically and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to ask even if they are far.

Hopefully just reading some posts from other moms is helping too.
@mariejustice54 You are doing anything and everything for your baby. Every emotion you are feeling is justified and allowed. Every one. I am so proud of you to express yourself in any form that you can. This is the village that is always here to help you and every mama out there with these days. We are all doing this together. ♥️
@mariejustice54 Hey mama, it's 1241a in my time zone this is day two, of baby won't sleep. I see you, i feel this issue. I have no answers, just Camaraderie in the middle of the night,
@mariejustice54 It’s 4:45am and I’m up nursing my 2nd. Let me say, it does get better. I’m a huge believer in perspective. It’s easier for me to control my emotions when I know why my babies are acting a certain way. Get the Wonder Weeks app. It helps you see where baby is at in development so you can sympathize with them and approach patently a little differently, even if it’s just for a few hours.
@johhny I was hoping to find someone recommending the Wonder Weeks app/book. It was absolutely wonderful and incredibly helpful. I would prepare our household for the upcoming difficult days by writing the dates and what unusual behaviors to expect, but more importantly what they’re developing in that time, on a chalkboard in our kitchen. This allowed us to be constantly reminded of what our LO was experiencing and helped shift our perspective to one of understanding and compassion rather than frustration and exhaustion. It also helped us to facilitate a learning environment for those recent developments. It’s my number one recommendation for any one with a new baby.
@vxf5015 I have the app! Love it. But it doesn’t seem to be working for me in the sense that it’s off. Almost 1-3 weeks off. Right now, she’s supposed to be in her sunny part where she’s happy and whatnot but it seems shes teething and has hit her cloudy part which was supposed to happen two weeks ago.
@mariejustice54 It must be the teeth then. My toddler is teething right now and he’s been an emotional wrecking ball. Don’t be afraid to try some Tylenol as a solution if you’ve tried everything else.
@mariejustice54 Can you take a break? Hand baby off to Grandma for a night?

It's also ok to let baby cry.. if you are at the end of your rope & have tried everything, you can leave baby in a safe crib and walk out of the room for a bit.

Like others said, baby won't remember.
@mariejustice54 On my bad days when my husband came home from work I would leave and go to Target for an hour. I walked around the entire store and still ended up in the baby section. My daughter at 7 months was a screamer non stop because of teething and I feel you on those bad days mama! My daughter also got better with her emotions around 9 months but every night she still melts down and gets screamy. It's hard but there's nothing wrong with telling your partner you need a break and head out for an hour or go upstairs and do some self care and take a break.
@mariejustice54 Your still a good mom, even with loosing your cool. I don’t know of a mom who doesn’t. I have a 2 and a 1 year old and just the other day it was full of loosing my patience with the tantrums and crying. I totally get it, and you will have more of those days. It will happen, cuddles and kisses also happen it balances out the days where you can’t take it.
@mariejustice54 In many areas there are anonymous parent hotlines. See if there's one in the area. One in my neighborhood made parenting less lonely during those early toddler (autistic) meltdown days where I needed to lock myself in the bathroom so I wouldn't lose my temper. A therapist from there asked my permission to call me every week to check on me. For free.
@mariejustice54 We ALL feel this way sometimes, even if aren't always brave enough to admit it. Just strive for the good days to outweigh the bad you and your baby will be just fine.
@mariejustice54 Hang in there Mama, it will get so much easier! Putting baby in a safe place such as a crib, & walking away to compose yourself is a tried & true survival method of motherhood.
I probably did it weekly during the hard months of when mine were littles. Walk away, sob all my frustrations out into my pillow, then walk back with just enough composure to survive one more hour/day/week, repeat as needed.