I am not a good mom today

@mariejustice54 Best advice I ever got was to buy some noise cancelling headphones, put baby on your chest and close your eyes. That way babe gets the comfort and you get he quiet ❤ more often than not as soon as my son felt me calm down, he did too.
@mariejustice54 Hi mama, did you know that a healthy baby needs to cry for at least an hour a day? Most babies surpass that when we add it all up, but its important you hear that your baby actually needs to cry! Physically and emotionally they need to cry and when I truly learned that, it made me feel, and know, that I was doing something good for her health to let her cry. Almost all moms have dark thoughts. Your body's hormones won't be back to "normal" for over a year, possibly more. My baby cried from 3pm until 10 Pm every single day into night from 4 months until 6 or 7 months. I rocked her, sang to her, bounced her, all while nursing her. Please listen to the people who suggest sleep training of some form. And if you truly enotiobally cabr, have someone who is emotionally strong ebough to do it with you, or even for you. I wish I had let my mom do it and I regret it not agreeing to it! I am typing this as my almost 3 year old is in the middle of my husband and I's bed, mouth on my nipple. My husband just told me before he fell asleep he doesnt remember how we ALWAYS kissed before we fell asleep lol. It wasn't that long ago, but feels like a lifetime. We never went to bed angry, or without kissing each ither good goodnight. And we always had to be touching, spooning, as we slept. We have been together 12 years, and it's been almost 3 years since we have done that, and maybe have gone out on 2 date nights. Well 1 date night and 1 where she was at a friends but my husband was too exhausted from work. Stay connected with your partner, it will help you in so very many ways and your baby! You can have a strong healthy relationship with both your baby and your husband, by sleep training. I wish I had. And when you feel like your losing control, put your baby in a safe place. Put on some headphones with your favorite music and take a warm bath. Or meditation/sleep music and sleep for 30 minutes. Whatever it takes to keep your sanity. Relatives nearby? A babysitter for an afternoon this week just so you can sleep or do something for you? Make friends in a mommy and me group and find what babysitters and nannies they use. Pray. Write a list of things you want to experience with your baby when they are a little older, seeing their first step, hearing mama for the first time. Youtube has sensory videos for 7 months old and for all ages. Use them, they help! And lastly, if you pm me, I will give you my phone number if youd like. You are NOT alone, and if your ever scaring yourself and need to just vent or anything, I am here. Find resources, you can make this period much easier on yourself if you do, I promise!!! Oh and if you have a church, like mine, there are usually lots of moms with young babies like you and yours. Start that support group now. These woman can be such a blessing! And God will, above all else, give you strength, peace and joy, even in your darkest, most trying moments. So much love, prayers and warm thoughts going out to you now!

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