@rohanakumara When you see kids in public, can you tell if they are breastfed or formula fed? The moment I realized you couldn't tell the difference is the moment I realized "fed is best."
With my first child, I wanted to breastfeed more than anything. It was a terrible experience with no support (my assigned lactation consultant was a loser and rude). No one told me I was doing a good job or how to fix what I was doing wrong. So I quit, and I regretted it and cried a lot. Now my second baby is 7 weeks old, and after trying for weeks to breastfeed, my baby just won't latch well. So I decided to pump as much as I can and supplement with formula.
Breastfeeding is not for everyone and can be quite painful when you are learning. Don't let your husband's feelings affect what you feel is right for your body.
Trust me, picking off scabs before trying to breastfeed every few hours is terrible and mentally messes you up.
Do what you think is best. It's your body and your baby.
Good luck, new mom, I wish you the best.