I’m getting the 8 yr IUD


New member
can anyone tell me how the procedure was? I’ve had nexplanon for 6 years so I’ll also have that removed the same day. I’m a bit nervous. I’ve never had children either.
@emilywombat I got my IUD one day in my period, and i have a pretty wide cervix opening, so this may not apply to you, but there wasn't any pain, just some mild cramps like small period cramps during the insertion and afterwards i did feel lightheaded and had a bit of angrier cramps, but nothing i hadn't experienced on a bad period before. The bleeding at first may be heavy and last long, but since you are getting hormonal, that's probably gonna be controlled soon.

Things are gonna go down like this: you're gonna lay down, you're gonna have a first insertion of a tool to measure where to put the IUD and after that they'll insert the tool with the iud and put it in. If nothing gets in the way, the procedure lasts about 5 mins. If you feel lightheaded you can tell your gyn and they'll understand and let you lay down for a bit afterwards. I hope a painless insertion for you, still try taling painkillers before it.
@ctguy That’s relieving. My sister said it kinda feels like a pap which I don’t think is painful really but everyone’s different. I keep hearing scary stuff like how some people said it’s the worst even though it’s very quick.

What made you choose the copper IUD vs other IUDs?
@emilywombat I chose copper IUD bc i wasn't sure about having a hormonal that's not easy to stop whenever i wanti n case i get tired of hormonal side effects, but also with the copper IUD you can take BC pills as an extra method for protection and make it much more effective, being able to stop whenever i want and still being protected.
@ctguy That’s good to know. I could never remember pills. They were the first BC I ever had and it sucked bc I’m forgetful. Thank goodness I never got pregnant lol. I liked nexplanon and wanted to try something new and iud last much longer!! When I asked about what was different they said copper is not hormonal but more patients come back complaining about bleeding more and worse cramps. So I chose the mirena ultimately.
@emilywombat Yeah, bleeding is definitely a downside, even on the pill i get crazy spotting :') but in the end i don't mind that much. I don't cramp a lot, but probably if you already have cramps on your period, they get worse with the iud ig.