I’m convinced I hate all boy names


New member
At this point my baby will not have a name if I don’t get my 💩 together 😅

29 weeks tomorrow and I’m stressing.

Front runners but no winners so far:

Even typing that list I’m like UGH I don’t know if like any of those either 😭

@leviishere If your daughter's Kodi, then I think Wyatt could go really nicely! Then maybe Jasper, Miller, Abbott (no particular order there)

This is obvs personal, but I don't love replacing the "C" with "K" in Callum or Callen--I think that'll always require correcting someone's spelling / sounds like it's trying to be edgy. I get that Kodi starts with a K (that seems natural), but "C" for Callum/Callen would still get you the same hard C sound :)

Carver may get lots of "Was that Carter?" unless Carver has become more familiar than I think...

With Ledger, I think of (a) Heath Ledger (RIP) or (b) an accounting ledger (...also RIP, but in a boring way haha)

Other names I could see working with Kodi / your list above are Clint, Beckett, Colt, Cooper (Coop), Cole, Flynn, Carson, Kit (like the explorer Kit Carson), Morgan, Levi (not, ofc, if you plan on having another kid you may want to name Levy)
@churley79 Coal is actually in the running as a middle name which is a combination of Dad’s middle and Grandpa’s first name Cody/Noal

Wyatt Coal is our front runner but the MIL keeps saying White instead of Wyatt(don’t ask me how because idk) it’s giving me the ick 😂😂😂

Yeah if we have another girl in the future we’ll probably stick with Levy so Levi might not work.

I do love Jasper but my mind goes immediately to Twilight, I also loved Cullen but same 😅
@leviishere That's sweet!

Hmm that mispronunciation is odd haha...i've never heard it said that before! Then again, if she's the only one who says it that way, maybe don't let that keep you from your top name? Tough call haha

Oooh i never read Twilight, but those are good points...maybe not the association you want
@leviishere No "Why-it" is how I pronounce Wyatt

The only thing I can think of how you mother in law say sit sounds like watt (like in a light bulb)
@leviishere I hated all boy names too! So I was convinced I was having a girl. LOL NOPE. Had a boy. It took me til the last day I was in hospital for us to decide on a name. It took seeing him in person to feel which name was right for him. Out of the list we brought, the one we both liked for him was the random last minute throw in.

I love his name and couldn't imagine naming him anything else. His name is Nolan.
@lafferty Ironically my daughter has a boy name 😅 Kodi Lee. If this one was a girl we liked Levy(pronounced like Chevy but with an L)

It’s a boy and we are OVER THE MOON but we can not settle on a boy name. I think it’s the hormones
@leviishere Alright I have some ideas for you!! I totally know how the name fatigue can set in!! Based on your current choices here are some alternatives:










I feel like the above are similar to the names you like that are still not the one. I hope this helps! Congratulations!!
@leviishere Here are some names that I think are similar to your list. Perhaps you'll find something closer to what you're looking for.

Kamden, Killian, Kellen, Maverick, Atticus, Armin, Arwin, Conrad, Zelman, Brec, Arlo, Soren, Archer, Orren, Indiana, Quinlan, Lochlan, Darius, Wilkes
@leviishere Could’ve written this. I have a list of about 50 names rn and they’re my “top 50” but none of them feel like the one and my husband vetoes ALL OF THEM 😂 I’m so annoyed. Just commenting for solidarity lol