My niece and nephew were born 3 weeks apart in May. Because their birthdays are so close they always have a joint party. The problem is that this year their parents have chosen Mother’s Day as the day of their party. I’m conflicted because I feel obligated to attend their party and help with the setup like I normally do, but it’s also my first Mother’s Day where I’m an actual mom. I’m frustrated that they chose this date, and I feel guilty because I don’t want to go to their party. This would be the first birthday that I miss, but I really just want to spend time with my husband and my baby. I don’t want to sacrifice my first Mother’s Day and I’m angry that they’ve put me in the position where I need to choose. I’m also angry that if I do skip the party that I now need to explain to a 3 and 4 year old why I didn’t show up.
Would I be a terrible person if I don’t go to their party? How would you all handle this?
Would I be a terrible person if I don’t go to their party? How would you all handle this?