I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

@agape49 My first was 16 months when my twins were born and to be honest things were horrible. They’re 11 months now and things are finally looking up. Get all the help you can. I didn’t really have any. Get ready for chaos!!
@brookeshien I’m glad things are looking up now! I’ll use that for motivation whenever there’s hard days, I’m sure I’ll miss them eventually haha. We unfortunately don’t have a lot either. I’m NC with most of my family & husband’s family is really small. Thank you ❤️
@agape49 I had to come to terms with the fact that sometimes you have to let someone cry. You can’t tend to all three at the same time. And you have to prioritize things so sometimes cleaning goes on the back burner.
@brookeshien We have two big dogs we love like they’re kids and it’s been a struggle for me not having the time to spend with them that I used to. I’m sure the guilt will be brutal when we have 3 kids and I can’t give them the individual attention I’d like to. Chores aren’t even something I’ve thought about. So many more baby bottles to wash & sterilise daily 😂
@agape49 Oh jeez, that’s a lot. I can’t believe you did the deed only 2 weeks postpartum! That’s the scariest part!
Well if triplet parents can make it, so can you!
@smf97 4 weeks! Conception date would’ve been around Feb 2nd. They just add 2 weeks onto your gestational date. Still a bit nuts though but thankfully I didn’t have a rough recovery ❤️
@agape49 lol I’ve been saying the same thing to my wife. The thought of two pregnancies resulting in four or five babies is a lot to wrap your head around. Seriously, congrats, I’m just being silly. All the best to you and your growing family!
@agape49 My middle kids are 13 months apart. I’ll be honest, it was way harder than the twins. One is a big baby and the other is a helpless newborn so while both have high needs, they’re different needs. Twins do everything almost in concert so we personally found it much easier (this is of course highly subjective). Congrats and I hope everything goes well.
@natalie223 Thank you so much!! Honestly any insight into what I might experience is so appreciated. This makes sense. I know a lot of people have guilt when their 2nd comes but I’m sure it’ll be hard when twins need so much attention and she’s still little too. Thank you ❤️