I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

@asdgho The sheer terror of the possibility of getting pregnant so quickly would have deterred me I think. I was soooo fucked up physically and emotionally (c section, nicu babies, then gallbladder removal 6 weeks post partum) though so it wasn’t even on my radar.
@eb3 Well we had some medical help (can't produce follicles on my own, nor ovulate by myself and else) so that was not something we had to care about.

Also c-section at 27 weeks, 3 nicu babies.
@asdgho I can’t imagine it with a c-section! I had stitches from them cutting me but they healed and were minor. We waited about 4 weeks and I foolishly thought because I was mainly breastfeeding I wasn’t ovulating yet
@agape49 I thought so too.
I had a pretty similar experience to yours... But my Baby was 6 months old instead of 10w. Horror is about right. The happiness and excitement came much later.
Now he's 2 and the twins are 1 and they're the best of friends. They play with each other all day. It's adorable. It's very hard, don't get me wrong, but still so worth it. They're my greatest Treasure.
@agape49 Holy shit you’ll have 3 under 1 😱

r/parentsofmultiples has been helpful in my twin pregnancy journey! Good luck!!

Edit: uh for some reason I thought we were on the regular pregnancy subreddit. The babies are taking my brain cells lol