I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

@asdgho The sheer terror of the possibility of getting pregnant so quickly would have deterred me I think. I was soooo fucked up physically and emotionally (c section, nicu babies, then gallbladder removal 6 weeks post partum) though so it wasn’t even on my radar.
@eb3 Well we had some medical help (can't produce follicles on my own, nor ovulate by myself and else) so that was not something we had to care about.

Also c-section at 27 weeks, 3 nicu babies.
@asdgho I can’t imagine it with a c-section! I had stitches from them cutting me but they healed and were minor. We waited about 4 weeks and I foolishly thought because I was mainly breastfeeding I wasn’t ovulating yet
@agape49 I thought so too.
I had a pretty similar experience to yours... But my Baby was 6 months old instead of 10w. Horror is about right. The happiness and excitement came much later.
Now he's 2 and the twins are 1 and they're the best of friends. They play with each other all day. It's adorable. It's very hard, don't get me wrong, but still so worth it. They're my greatest Treasure.
@agape49 Holy shit you’ll have 3 under 1 😱

r/parentsofmultiples has been helpful in my twin pregnancy journey! Good luck!!

Edit: uh for some reason I thought we were on the regular pregnancy subreddit. The babies are taking my brain cells lol
@deegee823 I know! It’s terrifying haha. Two close friends have Irish twins but that’s a totally different experience. I’ll just have to take each day as it comes but I’m hoping someone else has experienced this. Congrats on your babies ❤️
@agape49 Ha. That gave me a giggle.

Congratulations mom! Shit will be hard but these times will pass and my eldest two are almost 4 and it is such a blessing to have them around. Their sister is almost 2, so that age gap is bigger than the one you experience now.

In Dutch we call it ‘the tropical weather years’ (that’s up until they are 4 and go to school). I really agree with this statement, haha! It will be hard as bowlingballs but it will be sooooo worth it.

Good luck with your pregnancy! I hope it is a boring and safe pregnancy, with nothing interesting besides having two healthy babies happening. ❤️
@mirandaaa Thank you! I have siblings who were teenagers and helped out a lot with us when we were babies close together but I’m mostly on my own so it’s a bit scary. I love the tropical weather years. “It might be hard but it won’t be forever” is my mantra right now 😂
@agape49 My grandmother had my father (her third child) 10 months before she had twin boys. 2 years later, she had twins girls!

I only have one set myself, and they were my first.

Good luck and congratulations!
@saul100paul Oh wow, your grandmother sounds incredible! My grandmother had 12 kids, 15 pregnancies between 1951-1968 so they were close together but none were twins. I can only imagine how much harder it would have been back then without the information we know now and the support we can get online.
Thank you so much!
@agape49 My husband is a twin and they have a brother that is less than a year younger! The little brother grew up fast because he would follow everything the two older brothers did. They are honestly more like triplets and look the same age now that they are in their 30s, it’s very sweet!
@agape49 Yes! Their house was so fun! So many skateboards and video games and camping trips together. The three boys are now married and all were each others best men at each others weddings. They take a brother vacation at least once a year and we all try to see each other (brothers and their wives) several times a year when possible 🥹
@agape49 Omg. I see you had HG. I don’t know what sort of care you had with your first pregnancy but you need to get on top of your medication NOW. Your body is already depleted and you’re about to have to take care of a newborn while sick. I’m being serious. Find someone who specialises in it and layer those drugs!!!!!
@raven00 Already on it! Thankfully NHS have been great and it was something we set up immediately. I weirdly only had HG with my daughter. Other pregnancies that resulted in losses I had no sickness. It’s not kicked in with the twins yet either but I’m hoping that’s due to the medication
@agape49 Hopefully it’s a non issue!!! I was bed bound for 9 months with my twins and had to get my other kids into full time care. It was horrible and I basically missed out on that year with them, but I was glad they were young because it meant I was more present in the years they were more aware of me being involved