How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

@mahyrah Tell them outright they are suggesting you either steal time from your employer or neglect your baby.

I WFH and my kids are at school or at a day program 95% of the time. There are days where they’ll come home with me after an appointment or they’re sick and just want to watch TV all day. But they’re older.

When they were babies, I’d take a sick day to stay home with them, as working remotely was a nightmare with a baby that just wants attention.

Both of my sisters tried and failed to WFH and not pay for daycare. They were both fired.
@mahyrah I realize this isn't plausible for everyone... I have 3 kids, (3,9&10,) and a husband... My husband works and makes decent money for aboout 5 hours of his days. I stay home and homeschool. Hubs helps with EVERYTHING, down to laundry and cooking. I do DoorDash/Uber/spark or instacart, It takes 3-5 hours to make $100-125.on the days I go and the kids go along and it is usually just a fun adventure. It really works out well. Everyone is home when it makes sense and we still make bills and a little extra. It is a nice simple living in a crazy world.
@mahyrah WFH >>>>>>>>>> going into the office. Much much easier.

But with that said, cannot expect to not have childcare either. Sleep when the baby sleeps has never seems to pan out so not sure why people think we can…work when the baby works? 🤣
@mahyrah Omg honestly and I work from home and my job expects me to keep my sick kid home and continue working. Like first of all, my job AND kid are demanding. So I’m using a sick day…thanks! Lol
@mahyrah Not to mention, while work from home jobs ARE available, it doesn't mean that you're automatically credited enough to properly perform a work from home position. Most places require you to have no distractions while working. Best of luck doing THAT while tending to a baby at the same time. It just doesn't work like that....
@mahyrah Honestly, I wouldn’t even explain myself. Don’t except the premise that there’s anything wrong with staying home or that it needs an explanation.
@mahyrah I WFH and I found it impossible to get anything done without a sitter. My baby knows when I’m trying to multi-task and split my attention and it pisses him off.
@mahyrah Hahahaha don't worry eventually you'll learn to ignore people. That's what they said to me when I decided to stay home. Staying home with a baby IS work
@mahyrah "Why don't you just bring your child to work?"

Obviously that would be ridiculous. This is what they're suggesting when saying work from home and be a sahm
@mahyrah “No.” Is a complete sentence. And that’s all the explanation I’d give them. They’re not entitled to know why your family makes the decisions they do.
@mahyrah Have these people never had kids?! I work from home and we have to have a nanny during the day. There’s no way I can take care of my daughter and work at the same time. One is a full-time job, the other is a 24/7-job. Can’t work both at the same time.

Edit: Oh, and your don’t respond to them. I personally have a strict “don’t respond to idiots” policy.
@mahyrah Can’t believe people ask you this. We literally cannot win as moms. Working moms get looked down upon for having their kids in childcare centers or with babysitters/Nannies. Stay at home moms are expected to work too? What the heck? I am a working mom and that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I cannot work from home AND watch my kids at the same time, ya know, because they expect me to be WORKING.

Do they ask your husband this? How stupid. Ugh. Sorry.

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