How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

@mahyrah I tell them that employers don’t allow you to do that and it’s unrealistic.

It gets annoying when people just assume you’d rather be working, too. It’s like, have you considered that maybe I just want to spend more time with my kid, and I financially can, so I do? I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe
@katrina2017 100%

If i didnt have to work, i wouldn't be. Daycare makes no sense because my full time paycheck would have been taken since we have 2 kids. So i came home, and found a flexible part time wfh situation. No daycare, i get to be with my babies, and i still contribute financially. Its the best of both worlds for me, but that does not mean its easy.
@mahyrah Seriously people who don’t work from home do not understand working from home. My husband and I have been working from home for a few years now and I swear our family members are just like “oh do you even work?” Or just think that our jobs are so easy. No it’s not. But I am thankful I can work in my sweatpants and slippers all day lol

My baby girl is about to start daycare in May, she’ll be 6 months and I’m dreading it and am thinking I will feel guilty being at home working while she’s at daycare but also know I won’t be able to get any work done so he has to. It sucks!
@mahyrah My daycare closes for two weeks at the end of the year. It is physically impossible to work my very demanding job and take care of my very demanding toddler.

And I literally cannot stand when people judge me for sending him to daycare so I can work.

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this! Just laugh in their face, because clearly they think it’s a joke
@mahyrah I work from home right now and take care of my baby because daycare decided to quit on us, but it's terrible and feels like I'm working two full time jobs. It's not easy at all and my LO demands a lot of attention so I have to work in short bursts or when she's napping and working longer hours to make sure I make my deliverables.

I would just tell them that taking care of a child is a full time job and leave it at that. They probably haven't been alone with a kid long enough to understand the struggles if they think it's easy.
@mahyrah Working from home is HARD. I don't know how my husband manages to do it and I'm home with the kids! I quit my job bc I couldn't do both.

My response is "Bc that's not a dynamic that works for our family."
@mahyrah I would never hire someone if I knew they were juggling between a child and my job. Those people have no idea what real work is, nor what it is to take care of a baby (really take care, not just be around and make sure they survive...).
@mahyrah WFH and taking care of my 3/4 yo doing preschool/speech therapy remotely almost broke me. You can’t work two full time jobs simultaneously. My JNMIL shut the hell up real quick when I put it to her like that.
People are going to judge and have something to no matter what you do TBH. It’s like being a parent means having to listen to so many unasked for opinions.
@mahyrah I work full time 40+ hrs from home and have a 20 month old son and it’s not easy
Most days I’m just trying to survive this is my choice I don’t want to leave my son in daycare and all my fam works too and I struggle (even though this is all I ever wanted it’s freaken hard)
I went back to work (from home) when my son was 7 months so it’s been a while and let me tell you
It does not get easy, it gets different. He’s needs change as he grows and I’m constantly tweaking the way I work my day. It requires a lot of organizing, self-discipline, and lots of patience for him as his terrible twos have set in lol

Also: my breaks are all for my son and my lunch we spend it at the park or doing an activity he likes. He takes a 1.5-2 hrs nap and that’s when I schedule my phone calls and super important things so I can fully focus ….There ain’t never a break for myself
@mahyrah “Are you asking me to steal company time”

I have a super flexible job where. I have limited amount of deliverables and time sensitive tasks. My 11 month old is in daycare because for me it’s not doable. I seriously question anyone who is able to do both.
@mahyrah As someone currently working from home with a one year old, it’s nearly impossible and absolutely miserable. No one should do it if they have alternatives. You cannot watch babies and work, it is insanity and not sustainable if you don’t want to get fired.
@mahyrah Honestly, people are always saying shit like this. My personal favourite is “so when ARE you planning on going back to work?” after I’ve just told them that I quit my job to be a stay at home parent and homemaker. As if it’s not enough? Or I’m being lazy in some way? It’s infuriating.
@mahyrah I have a full time WFH job. I also have 2 kids, age 5 and 14 months old. My 5 year old goes to school M-Th for 2 1/2 hours each day and thankfully he rides the bus.
Depending on how demanding the job is, I feel like you can def find your rhythm with taking care of your kid while wfh. My job isn’t as demanding and my company is very flexible with working parents. I’m not saying it’s easy to wfh AND take care of your kid. But it’s possible not unrealistic like everyone plays it out to be.
@smileyface50 Yeah I work from home full time, including taking meetings and dealing with deadlines, and my 2.5 yo has always been home with me. My company is aware, there have definitely been times I’ve needed to jump off a meeting due to a tantrum or need of my LO, but it’s also our normal and she knows “mommy has a meeting,” means quiet time playing in her room. It’s not perfect, but it’s saved us thousands in childcare.

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