How to convince my sister

@christians I'll likely be 39 when this baby is due, and plan for another in a few years. My mother was 42 when my sister was born.

Do what will make you satisfied with life, don't let others dictate that.

I'm very sorry for your loss.
@christians No need to convince anyone of anything. You do you. I'm a FTM at almost 37, loads of my friends are having babies this age too. Just shut out all the negativity and go live your best life. Can I also just say I am very sorry for your loss, that must be incredibly difficult for you.
@christians I don't know why people throw around adoption like you can just wander down to the orphanage and pick out a child to take home. It is often a long, difficult and very expensive process. Unless she's low key offering up one of her own children to adopt?

Your sister's opinion doesn't matter in this situation, but when I was pregnant at 38, my midwife told me they don't even consider you 'geriatric' until 40 now. So tell your sister she can pound sand and go make yo'self a baby!
@von20207777 I think she sees how I love on children. Her children are teens and young adults. I told her I’ll be fine and just be there. So she told me to do more research. My doctor said I was fine.
@jakesmith99 No, she’s had her stuff fixed a long time ago. She says she can’t understand me because she had hers young. I told her complications can start at any age for a woman.
@christians I'm not understanding what you need to convince her of anything for unless you're under her roof and she's caring for you.

You're almost 38yrs old. Live life how you see fit and forget everyone else.
@relyt12 I’m staying with her for a while since no one wants me by myself at the moment. I have my own things and looking for a house since I don’t want to go back there.
@christians I’m 38, will be 39 when baby comes, and so far (19 weeks), my baby girl is very healthy. Thankfully, there have been no complications, and she’s growing like she should. You need to do what’s best for you - other people don’t have to agree with you. But your sister does need to support you, period.
@smordick85 That’s all I want. She was trying to time frame me and was like so you start next year then you want another after that while you’ll be 40. Do you want to risk that. I do and I just want her on board.
@christians I totally understand your feelings. But you can’t make her get on board. She should respect and support your decision in this. And if she can’t, get yourself a support system that will.
@christians I'm 40 and 23 weeks pregnant with my second and I feel great. I do make it a point to prioritize working out, especially to be able to keep up with my 4-year-old, and have a lot more energy than much younger mums at the playground (even pregnant). You never know how your body is going to cope with pregnancy at any age, but for what it's worth, my pregnancies have been very easy.

Your body doesn't automatically atrophy and wither away once you turn 40. There's no magical difference between 37 and 40.

I firmly believe you do not need to convince anyone of any decision you make, but I do understand how important it is to feel supported. Build a strong, healthy foundation for yourself. Take care of yourself first and you'll be better able to take care of your baby and perhaps also show your sister how capable you and your body are of carrying a child.
@christians I found out 2 days after my 40th birthday that we were expecting. Prior to that I'd gone to the ob to have my iud removed and they referred me to fertility specialists to check everything out for me. I had an HSG and ultrasound done and everything was on track for my age. They were going to put me on letrozole so I would ovulate to start, but we got pregnant before we got to that step. So far, pregnancy has been surprisingly good, save for being tired and the round ligament pain, lol. I've had extra scans because of my age, but everything has been perfect. We're 24 weeks tomorrow. There are risks, for sure, the older you get, but the docs keep a good eye on me and I have had a crap ton of testing to make sure me and babygirl will be OK. You can do this!