How much parental leave did u take?

@aihi I can take 12 weeks but can’t afford to do that. I’ll get 2 weeks paid and then 2 weeks unpaid. That should be enough for me. It is what it is. Oh, and it can’t be broken up into different months; it has to be done all at once.
@aihi My company only offers 8 weeks (100%), and I took 7 (only because I waited too long to take it). My wife and I took our leaves back-to-back to stretch out how long we could go before needing daycare.

My advice? Take every second you can. Your employer offers it and family should be your priority. Too many folks unecessarily put this antequated pressure about paternity leave on themselves.
@aihi 12 weeks. I don't care how it looks. That time goes so fast and is too important to miss. Plus, it's an all hands on deck situation.
@aihi Government worker in the US, here. I’ll be taking 12. I may be able to push it to 14 if I use PTO as well. Feels lucky for our country.
@aihi Damn, 15 weeks? Take it all.

I got two weeks for my kids. I could have used vacation time to take more but my wife was ready for me to be out the house.
@aihi My state offers 12 weeks, I’m taking 8 then spreading the last 4 over 10 weeks of 3 day work weeks. Take it all. My first kid they didn’t have any parental leave so I used 8 weeks of banked sick time.
@aihi I took 12, with 3 of it paid. we saved to make it happen knowing we’d never get this opportunity again to spend together as a family. I was scared to do it and nervous, but it was one of the best gifts i gave to myself and my family. I promise you, you will not regret it. Take as much as you can afford, you’ll never get this time again. Jobs will come and go, but your child being born and being able to support your partner, and spend so much time with your family will be unforgettable.
@aihi I get 14 weeks and I will take every last second of it. I'll do my best to sign out my work to not screw the people covering for me, but I will not feel guilty about putting my family first and neither should you.
@aihi I took the max paid (2 weeks) and used an additional week of PTO. I banked as much PTO as I could the previous months and saved some for those first couple months of dr appointments.
@aihi I am self employed so I work from home, but I can't really afford to give myself parental leave... At least my mother is coming to stay with us the first month or two to help, but I worry I'll burn out.
@aihi Who cares what your job or people may think, take the days that are given and if possible, even more UTO. Your partner will need you during that period and as I’ve learned, they grow quick and glad I didn’t miss any second of it.
@aihi I’m self-employed and I’ll be taking two weeks off, then I’ll work from home for another few weeks (at my discretion). I only work about 15 hours a week, so this feels reasonable.

My wife is taking 6 months.
@aihi Where I live, wife was allowed to take 35 and I would get 5 totaling 40 weeks. But she took 30 so I took 10. Had twins, so didn't regret that decision one bit.