How much are you playing with your baby?

@maddieh567 My baby is 8 weeks and she's all of a sudden fine with like 15 - 20 minutes of independent play time and it feels magical lmao having that few minutes to get something done knowing she's happy as can be is so nice!!
@jean1031 Especially if your baby was a Velcro baby like mine. The first time it was a shell shock, lol. Like I got all of this free time…a whole whopping 20 minutes!

Maybe a week or two after, my son was OK sleeping in his crib by himself! This baby went from, “I need to be held 24/7” to “I just need to be held for 18 hours” lol.
@coachlittlez23 I think it’s quite important they have some quiet alone time so they aren’t over stimulated and have the space to contemplate / figure things out on their own. I like to think I’m quite engaging with my LO doing similar activities to you, he loves his Nemo gym and will lie on his back for 15 minutes easily on his own practicing his swipe 😂. He never looks bored because it probably looks a little different to him every day as his brain develops. I also think it’s important to teach kids calm down time and patience. It’s a problem nowadays with screens and social media
@messagesoflove Awww maybe add some new toys to mix it up a bit? A added a Lamaze octopus and a little fluffy cloud for different textures. I also have a children’s projector to enhance the light show 😂. I guess there will come a day when they do eventually get fed up with them though
@roland_tree That’s ours! We switch up the toys regularly and attach an extra mat to give him more rolling space too. Now we’ll get anywhere from 10-24 minutes of entertainment…my husband just seems to think it could be fleeting!
@coachlittlez23 I actually posted something similar a while ago with my (then) 8/9 month old baby. I felt like if we walked away for a second he would cry, but I do stay near him as he plays, and if there's something he brings to me, I'll interact, but realistically I just listen to the music I'm playing for us, sitting near him (NOT on my phone), and happy to be the jungle gym or play partner if HE engages something with me. We'll break it up by looking out the window and naming what we see, taking strolls, etc, but she's only 3 months old so you'll need to provide a good amount of entertainment for her as she gains her independence.
@coachlittlez23 Independent play is so so so important! My baby gets so much independent play time, sometimes I have to perform to get her attention because she is just enjoying herself so much! The mom guilt is going to be there for the rest of our lives, we gotta pick our battles with it!
@coachlittlez23 You can just chill out with your baby. Remember babies love to just look. I gave my baby a tour of the house a few weeks ago and it was funny to just see his reactions to each room, trinkets, the toilet, taps turning on, mummy’s wardrobe. 😆 You can let them just play by themselves. My almost 3 month old LOVES to just stare at his hands - he is yet to discover his feet! And then I’ll just put him in the bouncer while I do chores and can hear the occasional jingling of the hanging toys that he hits. Not every waking moment needed to be pure entertainment. I go for walks almost everyday which is great, sunshine exposure in the morning, tummy time at least 3 times a day. And back and forth cooing is enough engagement. You don’t want to overstimulate bubs. You’re doing a great job mama!
@coachlittlez23 You state that you’re worried about facilitating her growth and that’s sooo valid. Independent play IS a way to facilitate growth.

Humans experience lots of times where they will be bored or alone and it’s important that your little one can practice that skill early.
@sanleelee Yes yes! As a nanny families who don’t like them having independent play time typically concern me because when they’re older they’ll have to get used to some independent play
@coachlittlez23 I’ve started giving her alone time with her kick’n’play at least twice a day, where I’m in front of her doing laundry or eating, but not engaging. Turns out she’d much rather watch me instead of playing by herself, but that’s also ok. She also wakes at 6 am and is ready to go party but I am not, so I clear my bed and bring her in so I can lightly doze for half hour while she’s just cooing to herself next to me.

And yes, bouncy chairs and play gyms are so handy to put her down when I’m exhausted. Some days I just want to feed, nappy change and put her to her chair so I can sit and zone out to collect myself. You don’t have to always engage with them!