How many times do you change diapers at night?

@preston055 Do the diapers you’re using having the yellow line on them that turns blue when wet? I change my baby’s diaper with every feeding at night time unless the line is barely blue. If it’s turned blue halfway or more, I change it.
@lionbacker54 Yes my diapers do! That’s how I noticed at the 5-6 week mark that they were significantly less. I stopped to twice a night because I felt bad for waking her up completely for a single pee diaper. And since stopping the diaper changes at every feed I noticed she slept longer. But I’m curious on how other parents do it since she still wakes up every 2 hours. Better than every one none the less 😂
@preston055 I’ll only change him at night if I know or suspect a poop. I’ve read don’t bother with a diaper change if it’s not bothering them and you don’t have a reason to think there’s poop.
@sarnmere I’ve read that too!! It’s because I noticed diaper changes wake her up completely and if I skip the diaper changes she cries but her eyes are closed and she’ll instantly calm down if I feed her. And each time I changed her diaper I have to take her out of the swaddle as well making her cold
@preston055 Yes, that’s exactly it! An overnight diaper change stimulates them to wake up even more, and it may make putting them back to sleep harder. If he’s not bothered, I let him be. Plus, I hate struggling to do a diaper change in the dark while groggy, especially on a boy with his “mom, it’s cold down there!” reflex. 🫠
@preston055 Each time she wakes to eat - 11-12, 330-4, 7-8am

She gets very fussy if her diaper needs to be changed and has very sensitive skin, easily gets a rash, so I try to keep her as dry as possible.
@kei1234 Oh okay that’s completely reasonable!! I read another comment say that their newborn sleeps through the night (8-10 hours) so what they did was right before bed at the last diaper change is put a thick layer of diaper cream to help prevent rashes.

I’m mainly asking this question because my lo used to wake up every hour and recently moved to 2-3 and in desperate to see how I can maximize the amount of sleep!
@preston055 Baby - 7 weeks
Nighttime at - around 10-11 pm to ~ 6am.
Diapers - ~2 very wet pee ones first and then around 4 am he starts his pooping activity and we usually end the night/start the day with a big mixed 3rd one
@preston055 Only if poopy, super full, or leaking.

I felt weird about letting pee diapers ride overnight, so I tested my diapers. We use Kirkland (Costco) brand. I got 2 cups of water in it before I got bored. Liquid is absorbed amazingly well and the surface stays so dry. It just makes sense to go longer between at night.

My policy is now to not change at night unless there is a good reason to.
@preston055 My girl is 12 weeks. A few weeks ago she stopped pooping overnight which helped cut diaper changes a lot. Now I only change it if her diaper feels extremely full of pee or if I hear/ smell poop. She has big feeds before bed so sometimes I do need to change her diaper once around 4am but it’s not every night. More often than not she goes from 10pm-9am without a diaper change. No rash or anything!

Tbh it’s very reassuring to see others are doing the same thing in terms of overnight diaper changes.
@preston055 do you use Velcro swaddles? if you do you can just keep them swaddled up and change them and then feed them. my LO never has a problem falling back asleep when i keep him swaddled for his diaper change and feed
@preston055 Mine is 10 weeks and wakes once at night to feed and usually goes right back to sleep. I only change if I hear her poop. Otherwise I’d be waking her up for nothing. This way we all get more sleep. Wet diapers don’t seem to bother her and she hasn’t gotten diaper rash so it works for us for now. She goes to sleep 9-10 and we wake up 7-8
@preston055 My baby is 11 weeks. About 3 weeks ago, I quit changing her diaper if it was wet unless it felt more full or she was fussy or if she was already just wide awake. I would change her if she had pooped. I do put aquaphor on before bed time to help as a barrier.
@preston055 My LO is 4.5 months and we just do a fresh diaper before bed after her bath. We usually get one long stretch before her middle of the night feed and I’ll change her then cause she’ll have a big pee usually but once she’s back down she’s good until her wake up time at 7 am. We just make sure she’s got a good layer of triple paste to help protect her bum if she does happen to get another big wet diaper or poop during the night and we don’t hear it while we’re sleeping before she’s awake at 7 am.