How many times do you change diapers at night?

@preston055 Do the diapers you’re using having the yellow line on them that turns blue when wet? I change my baby’s diaper with every feeding at night time unless the line is barely blue. If it’s turned blue halfway or more, I change it.
@lionbacker54 Yes my diapers do! That’s how I noticed at the 5-6 week mark that they were significantly less. I stopped to twice a night because I felt bad for waking her up completely for a single pee diaper. And since stopping the diaper changes at every feed I noticed she slept longer. But I’m curious on how other parents do it since she still wakes up every 2 hours. Better than every one none the less 😂
@preston055 I’ll only change him at night if I know or suspect a poop. I’ve read don’t bother with a diaper change if it’s not bothering them and you don’t have a reason to think there’s poop.
@sarnmere I’ve read that too!! It’s because I noticed diaper changes wake her up completely and if I skip the diaper changes she cries but her eyes are closed and she’ll instantly calm down if I feed her. And each time I changed her diaper I have to take her out of the swaddle as well making her cold
@preston055 Yes, that’s exactly it! An overnight diaper change stimulates them to wake up even more, and it may make putting them back to sleep harder. If he’s not bothered, I let him be. Plus, I hate struggling to do a diaper change in the dark while groggy, especially on a boy with his “mom, it’s cold down there!” reflex. 🫠
@preston055 Each time she wakes to eat - 11-12, 330-4, 7-8am

She gets very fussy if her diaper needs to be changed and has very sensitive skin, easily gets a rash, so I try to keep her as dry as possible.