How many kids after 35 have you had ?

@sandpapermartyr I had my first at 35, my second is due in 7 weeks and I’m 39. We, surprisingly, had no difficulty conceiving but we did have one early miscarriage in between the two pregnancies.

I will say, this pregnancy has been harder just being older and having to take care of a little one but I hear that from younger friends and relatives too! Still, I go back and forth just about everyday as to whether or not we might try for one more. I feel like 9 months out of your life feels a lot longer when you’re older 😅.
@sandpapermartyr I had my second child at 36 and pregnant with my third at 40. No fertility issues thankfully and everything looks healthy so far. Most people in my community are having kids in their late 30s/early 40s and it has definitely become the norm.
@sandpapermartyr We are also one and done. Pregnant naturally at 39 despite PCOS and gave birth at 40. Pregnancy was rougher than I could have possibly imagined and I don’t have the emotional/financial bandwidth to raise more than one child in a HCOL city without my family nearby.
@sandpapermartyr I had my first at 33 and am expecting my second and final baby at 35. My partner doesn't want to have a third child, and I don't want another pregnancy because my first was miserable. I've been lucky that this one has been easier, but I just don't feel like I should risk putting myself or my family through that again.

Fertility hasn't played a role in this decision. I got pregnant relatively quickly the first time, and we weren't even trying for this one.
@sandpapermartyr None so far. Started trying at 36, got checked out, all tests came back very low fertility/infertile. Tried for a couple years anyway, gave up, and then unexpectedly got pregnant at 40. 17 weeks along now.