How many kids after 35 have you had ?

@sandpapermartyr Had my first at 38 after 2 years of trying. Got pregnant by happy surprise again when my first was 8 months and just had #2 at 39. They are 15 months apart. I would love a 3rd but not sure it's in the cards, I had preeclampsia with both pregnancies and #2 was born 7 weeks early. I don't think I want to risk having another preemie possibly even earlier. But so far we are very happy with 2 under 2 even though it's absolute sleep deprived chaos lol. Good luck to you!
@sandpapermartyr I got pregnant the first time celebrating my 40th birthday after trying 4-5 months. Sadly I lost him at 34 weeks due to a cord injury and not anything related to age. I got pregnant again while still 40 and had my second son at 41. For a while I wanted another, but my body was exhausted from being pregnant a year and a half straight and my anxiety (and my husband’s) the second pregnancy was understandably horrible.
@sandpapermartyr Had my first at 37 after years of trying and recurrent pregnancy loss. Just turned 40 and we are likely OAD bc a second hasn’t happened yet. That said, my best friend just had her second at 43 so you never know.
@sandpapermartyr I’m 37 and 13 weeks along with my 3rd. Got my IUD out in February and found out I’m pregnant in March. We only had sex twice and were planning on waiting 6 months to start trying. (Hello August wedding) When I went in for my first appointment, my doctor said “that was fast, did you when get a period?” lol.

My oldest are 13 and 14… not sure what I’m thinking with starting over. But here we are! I honestly wasn’t sure if we could even get pregnant. But I guess I found that out.

Sending all my fertility your way
@sandpapermartyr I had one at 37 and one at 39. No fertility treatment necessary. I got pregnant after one or two tries. I worked out a lot before #1 and seems like my body was able to handle the pregnancy well for both. With #2 I was sick all the time thanks to #1 starting daycare so that was hell and I had to wear diapers because every time I coughed I would pee out my whole bladder. But probably that would have happened in my 20s too.

Edit: had more to say
@sandpapermartyr I an 36 and this is my third pregnancy. My first two I was young. My fiancé wants one more after this, but it’s been rough. I have HG. So it’s been a difficult time. I am scared to try again lol.
@sandpapermartyr I had my first at 36 and am due in 3 weeks with my second at 38! I didn’t want to have my second past 40, but I have a few friends who have.

I also have been lucky with no fertility issues. When we were trying to get pregnant, I was very open to having 0-1 if we weren’t able to conceive.