How many NB and 0-3 months clothes, socks, caps have you been stocking up?

@hariwahyudi was never in 00000, and grew out of 0000 inside a month. we had about 6 of everything, the one thing we didnt have enough of? Change mat covers. Little bugger LOVED a piss as soon as the nappy came off.
@roman1982 LifeHack: we bought puppy pads and put those on the changing table for the first 6 months. Little man peed on the pad, we pulled it out and still had a good changing table. Blow out poop? Pad was down and caught the poop so changing table was still good.

Not as environmentally friendly but definitely cut down how much water waste from not needing to wash our changing sheet every 3 hours.
@wayani Yah we were gifted 50 homemade burp cloths.. aka, little flannel rectangular pieces of fabric. Shoved one of those under her butt when we’d change her instead. Nice and soft, and if she peed, pooped etc we switched it out. Way less annoying to change out. Way cheaper too.
@hariwahyudi Wife and I had about a dozen newborn, and twice that 0-3. We took one of each as a "going home" outfit.

Baby was born 99 percentile in length. Blew out her newborn size about 2 minutes after putting it on.

We ended up not using the other 11 newborn and had to get a ton of 6-9 cause she sprouted like a weed the first two months.
@hariwahyudi From what little research we've done, yes, most brands will size their stuff based on the 50 percentile. Of course, different brands run big or small or wide or long... There's several threads that a Google search might be more helpful than my hazy memory.
@hariwahyudi Most of our newborn stuff didn’t fit by 3-4 weeks. She was born at 7lbs 15oz. I wouldn’t get a lot of stuff but make sure to have a few sets of pajamas with a double zipper. We didn’t have enough PJs and that was our big mistake. Our baby is also long (91 percentile) so we had to go to 0-3 sooner and some of the stuff looked baggy on her for a couple weeks.
@hariwahyudi Before birth my son was measuring small, and we were assured he was going to be a small weight. So we bought mostly small newborn clothes and took them to the hospital with us.

Baby was born at 8lb 1oz. So...not small. So most of the stuff we had didn't fit. Thankful it was all secondhand anyway so we didn't spend a fortune lol
@hariwahyudi We are not due till April but i went a little crazy with baby clothes. We have a store down the road from us that has great deals. Like last night, we picked up basically new onesies for $0.50 ea. We also have had some handme downs from our families.

To my family’s amusement, i actually put together a spreadsheet of our clothes inventory to see what we have and what we need.

For example, for 0-3mo we have 33 short sleeve onesies, 18 long sleeve onezies, 16 “pajamas”, 4 sleep sacks and 7 pants.

This has been super useful to tell people that if they buy us stuff we really need 6-9 long sleeve or 9-12 short sleeves.

Its also more work than you need to it but i enjoy data lol

We have 33 Bs
@hariwahyudi Kid was just born in October.

Over the summer my mother and wife did this project where they got all the baby clothes organized. Unpacked from gifts, washed, put away in drawers.

Baby was born.

Because wife was in recovery, I took the lead on all things baby (except feeding) and was SHOCKED when I went to go change clothes that we had NO newborn stuff.

What the hell?

My mother theorized that "you don't know the size of the baby when the baby is born, so we just assumed size 3 months would be fine".

3 months starts at 13 lbs + 😲

Baby ain't gonna be 13 lbs.

So here I am with a newborn at home and no clothes. I'm not kidding.

Same thing with diapers. For some reason, we had no "size 1" diapers. A closet full of boxes stacked to the top, all "size 2" and "size 3"


I did a target order for bulk diapers and bought a ton of newborn clothes and with the baby screaming laying down in his crib I emptied all the drawers, threw stuff out into the hallway to go back up in the attic, and re-stocked my drawers with "newborn" and "0-3 months".

I was so pissed.

Am I (the dad) the only one around here that legitimately needs to prepare for baby?


Yes, you will likely need newborn clothes and size 1 diapers.

Now - that being said - yes, baby grew out of that size in about 3 to 4 weeks. 8 weeks old, now, and 3 months clothes feel tight. Time flies, so you might not need NB size for long, but regardless, you'll need it.

I'd say don't buy as much as I did, maybe buy 4 footies and that's all, rotate between them because baby will grow out of size NB soon, so you don't need to buy a whole wardrobe.
@hariwahyudi My baby wasnt a big baby, but she was really long at birth, so newborn clothes didn’t even fit her. She was wearing 0-3 mo for the first 4-5 weeks before she outgrew them in length and is now wearing 3-6 mo at 6 weeks old. I suggest getting more 0-3 mo than newborn, but I wouldn’t invest in a ton of either size unless you’re okay with doing laundry every day or every other day.
@hariwahyudi Our baby was 9lbs 9 oz so the only newborn items he ever wore were a couple pairs of pants like twice. Thank god the nb clothes we had were given to us for free. Unless you expect the baby to be small, I wouldn’t buy much newborn, if any. The Gerber brand clothes run small so I’d say getting those in 0-3 to serve as your “newborn” to get a little more bang for your buck.

We had a ton of 0-3 clothes because that’s what everyone gave as gifts. I’d guess like 15+ onesies, 10 sleepers, 8 pairs of pants, and 15+ hats and pairs of socks. We have our own washer and dryer so it was overkill but I think it would have been reasonable if we were having to go to the laundromat.
@hariwahyudi We bought lots of NB. Kid wore that size for 7 days. Then straight to 3 month. Wore the 3 month for about 5 weeks, and now at 7 weeks is wearing 6 month.

I donated nearly everything and had to buy again. We were very much not prepared.