So many options! Which would you recommend for home wear for 0-6 months?

@chrishaun We have an ergo original with infant insert, Moby wrap, two Solly wraps, ring sling, infantino carrier, Lillebaby complete, and boppy comfyfit carrier. For what OP is describing, I strongly prefer a wrap (and prefer Solly to Moby) while my husband prefers the Ergo. He doesn't like fussing with the wrap and monitoring baby as closely. I don't think it's a big deal to shift baby's position around occasionally and find the wrap infinitely more comfortable for long stretches of wearing baby and for sitting down. I do not like the ring sling for reasons you described, but I am not sure I really mastered how to get it on right.
@chrishaun We use the solly wrap daily since baby only contact naps. He is smaller (he just reached over 12 lbs and he’s almost 4 months old), so it works well for us. It takes a lot of practice, but he really loves it and I’m guaranteed a couple solid naps. I love the idea of ring slings, but they seem more complicated to me, so I’ve never tried them. One of my friends swears by them though. Both of us went with the method of practicing everyday little bits at a time until we were confident and comfortable. I liked practicing in front of a mirror. I still will check fit occasionally in front of the mirror (or in the reflection of a window or car door if out and about!)

Good luck!!
@chrishaun The k'tan is just a less complicated stretchy wrap because you don't have to wrap the whole thing. Cons: you can't adjust it a lot to get it tighter or looser to fit baby as they grow and the material is also heavier then some other stretchy wraps. If I could go back in time, I would get a Solly wrap they're supposedly thinner and nice and light and super cozy. A ring sling is also nice when they're small and squishy and you can usually find those pretty cheap in your local area buy/sell pages if you're looking to just try it out. It's actually very comfy and doesn't hurt the shoulder that badly because the weight is distributed across the whole shoulder not just a single spot.
@chrishaun I have a boba wrap and I love it. It does take a little practice to get the hang of it, but once you do, it’s so comfortable. I prefer it over my lillebaby, even thought the lillebaby is just 2 clips to put on.
@chrishaun Here are the ones I’ve tried:
Solly wrap-comfy but a pain to put on
Ergo embrace-baby hated it plus made her sweaty
Konny wrap- baby loves it, easy to put on/off.
Baby Bjorn air - more heavy duty, I like to wear this if she’s extra fussy and I have chores to do bc of the neck support