How many miscarriages before you were able to conceive


New member
I’m 42 and after many unsuccessful IVF treatments, I became pregnant naturally and miscarried at 8 weeks. I’m wondering if women are able to carry a healthy pregnancy to term after having miscarriages this late in life.
@deborahjoy429 I started trying to conceive naturally at almost 38. Within a year I got pregnant 3 times, and miscarried all of them within the first 6 weeks. Doctor couldn’t find an obvious reason. The 4th time I got pregnant I was given progesterone suppositories because “it can’t hurt”, and that one stuck. I’m 40 now and have an 8 months old, healthy baby boy.
Hope that gives you a little hope! Good luck!
@deborahjoy429 I'm 38. I had one miscarriage and got pregnant after the next cycle and carried her to term (well, one day off from full term). I am so sorry for all the heartbreak you have been through. I hope you will have a healthy little one soon 💗
@deborahjoy429 1 in every 3 pregnancies ends in a miscarriage.

Just think about that statistic, 1/3 of all pregnancies. That’s the same for younger women.

My first pregnancy at 34 ended in a missed miscarriage and I’m writing this whilst breastfeeding my second born at 37. I conceived our now 2.5yo 6 weeks after our miscarriage!

Please don’t be disheartened, this could have happened to a 21 year old.
@deborahjoy429 I don't know if this is "baked in" to the statistic, but most miscarriages would be missed if you weren't tracking things. So most miscarriages in younger women are never even registered as pregnancies.
I'm sorry for your losses, and I hope you get a viable pregnancy soon.
@deborahjoy429 I'm about to turn 40, but had one pregnancy at 37, gave birth at 38. No miscarriages. I'm OAD so I won't ever know if I'd have trouble trying for a second. I consider myself extremely lucky in that regard.

My best friend, turning 40 in June, started trying at age 35 with her first. She had one late term miscarriage at 20 weeks (truly heartbreaking), followed by another miscarriage at 6 or 7 weeks. Then had a successful pregnancy to term born at age 37. She started trying for #2 when first was a year old. Had another early miscarriage over the summer and is now about 12 weeks along with #2. Hopefully will go to term.

Several of my friends have had miscarriages and/or chemical pregnancies, but even more just had trouble concieving at all and ended up doing IVF.
@deborahjoy429 I had my first miscarriage at 38. That lead to Ivf @39 which was unsuccessful. Got pregnant at 40 which ended with a chemical pregnancy. I got pregnant again in May 2022 and that pregnancy stuck. I delivered @41. I got pregnant again six months after I delivered but that ended in a miscarriage. I am 42(43 in Nov) and we are trying for a second now.
It is my belief that IVF helps to “prime” your reproductive system to get pregnant naturally. I know four women personally that went through IVF unsuccessfully and ended up getting pregnant naturally (w/a few miscarriages in-between).
Keep trying and you will most likely carry to term. Good luck!