How many miscarriages before you were able to conceive

@deborahjoy429 I had my first before 30, second at 37 and got pregnant with my third a year later. The third pregnancy unfortunately ended in tfmr at 22 weeks but when I tried again months later I was pregnant at 39 in June and that ended in a chemical, then another I'm August. I'm currently 40 and almost 18 weeks with what by all accounts so far is a healthy baby. My friend got pregnant with twins at 42 right before her first fertility appointment. I'm sorry that your journey has been so hard but there is definitely hope even over 40.
@deborahjoy429 After my first full term, I have only had a successful pregnancy after a uterus clean. This little one now is 5 months after a polyp removal, child before was 3 months after a dnc, but I also have PCOS and endometriosis. May not help much, but if no success, an option to try!
@deborahjoy429 First was a dnc after my body would not release a miscarriage, baby stopped growing at 7 weeks, did ultrasound at 8 and again at 12, after inability to hear heartbeat. For this little one, my mom got diagnosed with uterine cancer, and I had an ultrasound confirming polyps. They removed and tested, all came back healthy.
@deborahjoy429 I started trying at 35, though NTNP since 33. Took almost two years to get pregnant and it was a blighted ovum miscarriage. 4 cycles later I got pregnant again and it ended in a missed miscarriage which stopped developing at 6 weeks. We were working with a fertility clinic and about to schedule an IUI when I got pregnant 4 cycles later and it stuck. I have been on progesterone and baby aspirin as well as prenatal with folate this time. Now 28 weeks and I will be 39 when baby is born.
@deborahjoy429 Got pregnant naturally at 37 and had a mc at 8 weeks. Took almost two years, and 3 rounds of IUI, the 3rd being combined with a trigger shot. That one took and am 39 now, and 25 weeks. Praying this will be my 🌈 bebe
@deborahjoy429 currently 12 weeks pregnant and i joined this group as i will be 35 when (and if) the baby is born. this is my first time making it to 12 weeks. this is my 3rd natural pregnancy in under a year. had 2 missed mc about 5 months apart then got pregnant one period cycle later (which is my current pregnancy.
@deborahjoy429 37 & MC 4x’s all before 10w. No reason! All was normal until it wasn’t. No IVF but 1 round of Clomid that didn’t catch. My daughter is 4m sleeping next to me right now. Good luck! Please be kind to yourself. MC’s take a toll on you even those before 8w. ❤️
@deborahjoy429 I have 8 children (I had 7 of them after 35) and have had over 20 CPs and miscarriages. With my sixth I had four losses while TTC him. So yes even with recurrent loss it is possible to conceive naturally and have successful pregnancies. I hope for all the best for you. ❤️