How long to give probiotics to baby after C-section?


New member
I was unable to avoid a c-section so I started LO on Lovebug probiotics shortly after birth to try to restore some of that microbiome they missed on the way out. We are approaching the 1 year mark and I was wondering how long to continue the probiotics? The Lovebug line has a product for 0-6 months, 6-12 months, and 1-4 years. LO is eating solids well and I plan to wean off breast milk after first birthday. We're doing yogurt now and I plan to introduce more probiotic foods as feeding progresses. Would love to get this community's thoughts on infant probiotics after c-section!
@lauri73 Once the microbiome is established, it's hard to alter it in a significant way. There's a reason why fecal therapy for C. diff patients requires them to wipe out their gut microbiota with broad-spectrum antibiotics first! I'm guessing your kiddo has an established microbiome at this point and you're just wasting money buying more.
@hurrix I got the recommendation for Lovebug specifically and probiotics in general from Rebecca Fett's book/blog Brain Health from Birth. She cites some studies in support. They are all small and not the most rigorous but they're there.
@lauri73 I don’t think you needed to give probiotics to baby after your c-section since you nursed. That said, I’d personally avoid giving them long term. Too much of a good thing may not be good!

I also had an unintended c-sec but didn’t worry about my girl’s microbiome since I breastfed (until age 2). Although we’ve had plenty of colds since she started daycare, we’ve had only one intestinal virus as far as I know.

Good food that supports a healthy microbiome is more important and safer in my view.
@lauri73 If you want more detailed answers, TinyHealth (a stool test) will help you understand what your child needs (including whether you should continue probiotics or not).
@lauri73 Yes! I used it when my daughter was 8 months. We were struggling eczema and food allergies. I wanted a better understanding on how to heal her gut. Our results recommended we stop using probiotics (since eventually the bacterial colonizes), and how to improve her overall gut health. I’ve been in debate to get myself tested
@lauri73 When I gave evivo to help with the digestion of breast milk, I only got a 1 month supply as that's all that was needed to colonize the gut. It's been 6 months since the last dose and I haven't needed to give more. I don't have any experience with love bug, but it seems to me that unless the baby has had antibiotics, the bacteria should be doing well after a whole year of giving it!
@lauri73 My baby is 9 months old and I still give her probiotics and plan to throughout her life. Her pediatrician recommended it and our pharmacy compounds a power from formulated for infants. She was very colicky and had GERD, it has helped tremendously