How long for food that upsets baby to leave breastmilk?


New member
I ate Chinese food and I’m pretty sure it’s the reason l/o started spitting up more (frequency and volume). I tested by feeding freezer stash milk and no spit up. So I pumped both sides and dumped it. How long should I continue feeding from the freezer and dumping my pumps? I’m hoping this will be resolved by morning because I have to make a 4hr each way trip to the hospital with l/o to get a clicking hip checked out and I don’t even know the logistics of transporting/feeding freezer milk/bottles. Any experience with eating something that didn’t agree with your nb?
@nvyhus85 My health visitor and midwife both said this isn’t really true and only cow milk proteins can really pass the blood barrier into breast milk in terms of food. I asked about eating lentils, she said to me that babies tummies are random and are still developing so mums often make these links with foods they ate but it’s just the baby being a baby, in my case she said my baby was spitting up because he was eating too much in one go and my flow was fast, she said this was fine and to just continue feeding as I was and just make sure to wipe up spit so he doesn’t get baby acne. This was just my case though, I would just ask your health visitor what they think.
@nvyhus85 Idk what the science says, but I know for a fact that when my LO was 1.5 weeks, he had one RANDOM stinky poop, and it happened to be the first poop after feeding after my partner ate roasted garlic broccoli lol. I don’t think it’s a coincidence, I think it is very quick to happen