How long did your child fit in the Nuna Rava?


New member
My baby is turning 1 next week and the Doona is just getting too heavy and we rarely use the stroller feature. I really want the Nuna Rava and I found a local mom selling one in really good condition. It was purchased in July 2018 so that would make the expiration date July 2028. My child be about 5.5 years old at that point (that’s a mind blowing thought lol), will he still need it past then? Is it worth it to save some money and buy it secondhand?

Edit: thanks for all the replies. I hadn’t considered what buying second hand entails and I’m now definitely rethinking things!
@kspriggs Can you trust that they never submerged the straps in water? What about cleaning? Do you know for 100% that they used a regular detergent? Do you know how it was dried? Was the carseat ever pressure washed? Did they ever use any cleaners on it? Even something basic like clorox wipes?

These are the questions that need to be answered with 100% certainty to know if the seat is actually safe or not. It's so common for people to not read the manual and instead do as they please with cleaning weakening the straps and cover. There can be rust inside the mechanism from being sprayed down that you wouldn't even see as well.

Ultimately it comes down to what is more important. A good deal or your kiddos safety. A $50 Cosco seat is much safer than any used seat.
@katrina2017 I never even considered this… we had to submerge part of the straps to get vomit out of them at one point. I just used water with a bit of dish soap. Is it really going to affect the integrity? How else are you suppose to clean them?
@_epoh_ Yes it can affect the integrity because it can break down the strap material. You used the correct things (water and dish soap) but you’re supposed to use a wet rag, not submerge it in water. I would call Nuna and see if you can get replacement straps or what they can do to help
@cathijean Ah that’s crazy! Thanks for informing me. I’ll go ahead and call… although I didn’t think you could even remove the straps!

I did initially use a wet rag but the smell was still there so I soaked them… just emailed I’ll let you know what they say!
@djaycobb They initially said:

If the straps were soaked or submerged, we would recommend replacement. The straps are part of the frame, so it would be a frame replacement. We sell the frames for $350, but right now the Rava in curated and refined are on sale for $399, which may be better for the price!

I replied:

I initially wiped them but it was not sufficient to get the vomit and smell out… are you saying every time a child vomits in the car seat you recommend replacing the entire car seat?? That seems a little excessive seeing how frequently kids vomit..

And they replied:

We are not suggesting replacing the car seat after every accident. We just have specific cleaning instructions we recommend in case of accidents and options for replacement if you do need to replace.
@_epoh_ Thanks so much for replying! :) I cleaned my nuna by following the manual but was curious about the straps too! Those things can get nasty!
@kspriggs I wouldn’t buy a used car seat from a stranger. You can’t guarantee that it wasn’t in an accident. You are much better off spending the same amount of money on a new car seat from a less expensive brand.
@kspriggs We recently purchased a second for our second on sale for only $350. It’s the caviar color.

We love the seat. My 99 percentile almost 3 year old is comfortable rear facing still. It’s also wayyy easier to tighten/loosen the straps to get him in and out. Definitely worth the extra compared to the Graco in grandmas car.
@kspriggs The general recommendation is to not buy a used car seat. You have no idea if it’s been in an accident or any sort of history with the car seat, and you can’t really trust that the person selling it to you is being 100% honest or leaving anything out. If you want to save some money I think it would be much better to go with a cheaper brand like Graco and buy new. Otherwise if you’re set on the Rava you’d have much more peace of mind spending the money and buying new instead of going for second hand

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