How it feels to be a pregnant person who got the J&J vaccine 4 days before it was banned


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... It feels not great.

I went against my OB’s recommendation not to get this vaccine because I’m high risk otherwise (plus size, asthma) and I’m so sick of living in fear.

Went to get the jab Friday morning, they wouldn’t even tell me it was J and J until I arrived on-site. I was surprised and a little taken aback since I didn’t personally know anyone who had gotten that one, but I figured, hey only needing one shot is nice because my life has been completely taken over by medical appointments already.

I had really bad side-effects starting Friday night. My arm felt like it was going to fall off and I had full on body aches and chills and one of the worst headaches I’ve ever experienced for about 24 hours after that. The headache lingered a bit longer in a diminished capacity, but after a really uncomfortable weekend, I thought all was well.

Then this news bombshell drops about the CDC pausing the Johnson and Johnson vaccine due to blood clots in younger women. And the news is saying even thought it’s still relatively safe, pregnant or recently pregnant women should probably not get the J and J vaccine.

Welp, it’s too late for me. I know rationally that the chances of me getting a blood clot are infinitesimally small, but I can’t help but feel anxious and like I’ve put myself and my baby in danger.
@boateng I got it as well. It's helping me to remember that the clots happened at a rate of less than 1 in a million. They're like 1 in 1000 for hormonal birth control, which I've been on for almost a decade. The risks of fatality with getting COVID are still WAY higher.
@katrina2017 AND the rate of this particular type of clot is estimated at 1 in a million in the general population. That’s no greater risk than being unvaccinated.

Also the rate of clotting in hospitalized covid patients is 1 in 6....
@foglights I am curious why this is even being considered a side effect of the vaccine at all at those numbers vs instances in general pop. I guess is that normal with all new drugs? Probably with anything under as much scrutiny as a vaccine like this
@boateng Try not to stress. You did what you thought was best for you and your baby with the information you had at the time.

Have you see what to look symptoms to look out for in regular to the clots?

It’s super unlikely you will get a clot but make sure you know what to look out for, and possibly call your OB and see what they say to do?
@boateng I can imagine that’s very stressful. It may help to put the data in context and remind yourself that there’s a 1 in 1000 chance of having a blood clot while on Birth control where the vaccine has caused 6 out of millions.
@boateng I’m sorry you’re experiencing so much anxiety. All the women who experienced these blood clots did so within 2 weeks of getting the J&J vaccine. The next 10 days will be stressful but once you pass that you can breathe a sigh of relief, both for getting out of the side effects danger zone and for being vaccinated against covid!
@boateng As an epidemiologist who is also pregnant, I wouldn't stress too much. Monitor for symptoms of a blood clot and stretch your legs frequently. I think being pregnant by itself carries a higher risk for blood clots (though I don't know the actual numbers off the top of my head).

You made an informed decision and the probabilities are in your favor.
@boateng Remember that they’ve given this vaccine to literally millions of people already - something close to I think 7 million?! - only SIX total individuals have had this side effect. Six, of millions.

The risk is so infinitesimally small that you will most likely be okay.

They’re meeting about it to discuss pausing it until more is known, and this is probably just because of the fact that anti-vaxxers are having a field day with this shit so it’s more PR than anything.

And you’d have a 1 in 20 risk of getting a blood clot with COVID so... you did the right thing.

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