How far along are you and what’s your workout routine?

@e2014 15+2, Olympic weightlifter. Still lifting 5 days a week! My strength and consistency took a small dip in the first trimester but I’ve been back at it 110% the last few weeks. Eventually I’ll have to modify workouts as my belly grows, but I’m still throwing the barbell around as long as I can!
@e2014 30 weeks today and I try to stay as active as possible at work, walking when I can during the day. I’ve been able to keep lifting weights (nothing more than 25 lb dumbbells) about 3x a week and walking inclines on the treadmill to warm up before lifting. Prenatal yoga once a week , and then on days I don’t lift or do yoga I’ll do a 20 minute light cardio/strength prenatal workout video from YouTube. Had to stop cycling at 15 weeks or so as it was uncomfortable:/. I definitely feel much better the weeks I’m more active. Don’t be discouraged about the first trimester (or at any point) I feel like most people I know that have had babies were way too sick/exhausted to do much of anything at that point. Wishing you the best of luck and motivation to move your body in the ways it feels best throughout the rest of your pregnancy - it’s so great to feel the difference it makes even when we’re able to do some light activity to get the blood flowing!
@e2014 I'm 13 weeks and have continued lifting weights 3x a week as I did before, but have cut out leg presses since they felt weird and compressive on my belly. I previously did the stairmaster a lot, but now for cardio I'm just incline walking. Very early on (4-5 weeks) I was ridiculously short of breath and could barely get through my lifts, but that's mostly gone away. Luckily I didn't have major nausea so shortness of breath was my main issue.
@e2014 27 weeks, and I've been doing the daily pregnancy workout calendar from the Pregnancy and Postpartum TV program 5 times a week. I shoot for 30 min, so if her videos aren't long enough, I rewind and repeat enough to make up the difference. I've had to step it back down a couple times because of pelvic issues, and I've got diastasis recti pretty bad at this point, so I'm being super careful with my form. I was doing her postpartum workouts before I got pregnant because I had been working on healing the DR from previous pregnancies. I made really good progress, very functional core and gap less than 2 fingers, but it seemed to pop right back as soon as the relaxin levels came up again!
@e2014 33 wks. Was in and out of hospital with severe sickness weeks 6-16 so started around week 17. I workout 6 days a week alternating an hour of strength dumbbell training (full body minus abs) with an hour walking on a treadmill at 6-8% incline at 3-3.3 mph.
@e2014 About 21 weeks and been running 3-4 miles every single day along with weightlifting, and boxing a few times a week BUT I’ve had no nausea or any crazy pregnancy symptoms except fatigue at the end of the day
@e2014 23weeks

1 Reformer Pilates class/week

7k steps on weekdays

10k steps/day on weekends

ALWAYS chasing after a toddler😅

This has been my schedule since three months prior to conceiving baby number 2. I’ve missed a few pilates classes (probably 3 in total) due to doctor’s appointments or my instructor canceling.
@e2014 i am 30 weeks & do 5 days of Hungry Fitness weightlifting program, & i take my toddler on 30-60 minute walks every day (weather permitting).

but with my first pregnancy i also got horrible lightning crotch & at that time i did hiking on the treadmill for like an hour the entire 9 months because it didn’t hurt, & i was terrified to miscarry. i wore a belly band, which helped with the pain. i’m grateful i haven’t had any real discomfort this pregnancy or anxiety & am able to weight lift.
@e2014 I’m 20 weeks pregnant. Before I got pregnant, I weight trained 5x a week at least. I was always pushing myself to get stronger.

Weeks 7-11 were awful. I was so tired and nauseous all I could do was work and sleep and try to eat. By week 11 things got much better, I finally wasn’t nauseous and had enough energy to workout. When I got back into the gym I felt like I had lost all my strength. It was a really wild experience to go from being able to back squat 135lbs 5x to only back squatting the bar 12-15 times. I would get so winded and my legs felt like jello.

I’m not trying to get all my lifts back to where they were right now. I just need/want to be at 70% of my previous max. I officially got to 70% back in my 17th week. I still enjoy pushing myself, but try not to go too hard and hurt myself. Right now the point is to build a baby, not muscle. But, I gotta admit, it feels really freaking good to push myself and train hard.

So this is my routine:

Upper body
Lower body
Full body
Core and stability

I do 5-6 exercises per weight training workout. Cardio days I like to cycle.

I can’t weight train two days in a row. I’ve noticed if I do, I end up so exhausted, getting in some form of cardio the next day is nearly impossible. I usually take 1-2 rest days a week, but I usually spend that time cleaning the apartment. If I’ve taken a rest day after a weight training day, I’ll do the next weight training day and skip the cardio.
@e2014 I’m 28 weeks pregnant.

First trimester: worked out as usual, as I was lucky enough to not have any morning sickness. As usual means running, HIIT and weightlifting, alternating, 5 days a week.

Second trimester: most of the second trimester I still worked out as usual. I did stop doing HIIT around 14 weeks and ran more instead, and I adjusted some of my exercises.

Third trimester: I still go to the gym 4ish days a week, but I’ve slowed down a lot. I haven’t ran since 25/26 weeks because it has gotten really uncomfortable. I also do lighter weights, and I get tired quicker.
@e2014 18 week. Exercise 5x / week most weeks. Mix of running, biking and strength classes with an occasional long walk (6-7 miles) day.

Scaled back a lot during peak nausea weeks, but tried to at least get 20 min the 5 days a week to stay in the habit. I was fortunate to 1) have less fatigue than others seem to and 2) have my nausea peak in the evenings, when I’m a morning exerciser.
@e2014 HIIT classes a few times a week up until 24 weeks, thought I was going to continue through the whole pregnancy. Pelvic pain hit me hard so I switched to aqua aerobics (lol) for a few weeks, until even that became too much.

Currently 36 weeks and have to sit down to catch my breath after putting pants on.

Other pregnancies I’ve been active right til the end, they’re all so different! This is pregnancy #4 for me. I was more active with my twins.

Just do what you can without exhausting yourself - plenty of time to catch up again after baby is here :)
@e2014 34 weeks. Crossfitter and runner.

First trimester I had to scale down the intensity and went 3 times a week.

Second trimester I felt great and went 5-6 times a week, was even able to stick close to my weight numbers! PB'd a run too!

Within 30 weeks I stoped running. Bump got too big and pelvic soreness was too much :( Now I go 4-5 times a week but my intensity is SUPER scaled down. Just focusing on moving around!
@e2014 31 weeks

x3 Full Body weight training sessions and generally try to get 10,000 steps on these days.

Non weight training days- 12,000 steps a day (usually have to hop on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes) and maybe some yin yoga and light stretching.
@e2014 26 weeks. After a horrible first tri (sciatica so bad I couldn't sit or walk) i had to stop doing my sport (pole dance) and focus on regaining mobility, strength, and stamina. I do 2-4 sessions on the exercise bike per week, some weights (dumbbells, but I worked up from bodyweight), mobility/ROM stuff, and 1 swim per week. Its a good balance and my stamina is still improving, though I expect it to plateau soon. I'm supposed to be walking too, but that doesn't happen as often as i'd like!!