How far along are you and what’s your workout routine?


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I’ve been a runner/yogi for the past 13 years. I also swear by Jillian Michaels workout routines. I’ve never had any other workout yield the type of results her workouts give me. But with all of that being said, I suffered from extreme morning sickness from week 6-12. There was not a single moment sun up sun down where I wasn’t sobbing from the mere cosmic joke my body put me through during those weeks. I probably brushed my hair once, had to be carried to the shower, and threw up/dry heaved every hour on the hour, even through the god damn night. I lost 15lbs the first trimester and was unintentionally vegan. I LIVED off cans of peas. If I could even eat that day. Everything else was an immediate no just from smell alone.

I finally started doing incline walks on the treadmill at week 14, but could only walk 2.3 mph unless I wanted lightning crotch. I also can’t even walk very long without triggering mega round ligament pain. I’m scared to run based on round ligament pain alone. I did once and it went well, I only ran a mile at 6mph (I usually run 3-7 at 6.5mph) but didn’t want to jump right back into that straight away since I was the definition of a sweaty couch potato for 2 months. Literally the very next day I was indisposed for 4 days in a row because of how sore the run made me feel. I’m 19 weeks today and started mild weight lifting last week, but I stop the moment I feel any type of soreness because I don’t want to injure myself. I wish I could workout regularly and I really thought I was going to be able to based on my athletic history alone but I was so wrong.

What’s y’all’s workout routine? We’re you able to stick to it from the very beginning? Did you workout with morning sickness? My cousins wife is an Olympic weightlifter and was doing 200lbs deadlifts the week before she gave birth. 2 weeks later you would have NEVER guessed she was pregnant. Fucking jealous of that super woman.
@e2014 14 wks and finally got to the point past sickness and fatigue so I’m back to lifting 4X/wk, rowing instead of running, yoga 1-2x/wk. I walk my dog several miles throughout the week, but running is going to worsen my prolapse…I’ve had to completely stop this for now 😕
@e2014 Before pregnancy I did a mix of pilates and strength training (at home with dumbells). I worked out as normal until week 7 when morning sickness hit me. I didn't workout at all until last week at 19 weeks when my morning sickness finally relented. I'm now doing/planning on doing pilates about 4 times per week with Belle Method. The first workout although very simple left me sore for days because I am so out of shape. It's also been tough trying to make it a routine again.
@e2014 21w, up until last week was running 31-35 mpw taking walks with my son after work, but starting this week I am decreasing my mileage because I did something to make back. My routine up until this week:

Sunday 5 mile run
M-F 4 mile run per day
Saturday 6 mile run

This week so far I have ran 3 miles and then walked 1.5 miles.

My goal was to run 30+ mpw for as long as possible, not set any specific goals, and 100% listen to my body which is what im doing.

This little back issue I have now has finally given me motivation to implement stretching and some yoga poses daily.
@e2014 I had very bad fatigue in my first trimester. After 14 week I started my gym again but literally taking it slow. I was not very regular till 18. But was trying to be active like outdoor walk or home workout if gym wasn’t possible.
I get short of breath if I do treadmill more than 3.

I keep my inclination at 6 and speed at 2.5 -2.7.
I do weigh training as well, one body part at a time.
Treadmill for 20 minutes + weight training (one body part) + basic yoga and stretching for 10 minutes.
@e2014 I’m at 32 weeks now and slowing down significantly due to lower back pain and just feeling large and sore. I go on a 30-60min walk 5-6x a week. I also do a 1 hr gym session with weights once a week. I try to hike or do some other activity at least once a week too. Looking to do more swimming these last couple months.

Prior to this, I ran up until about 16 weeks (did 10k at 16weeks), walking pretty well daily, went to a group strength class 1x a week, did a few spin classes, lots of hiking, some swimming. I didn’t have a set schedule but I was much more active than a lot of other pregnant moms I know.
@e2014 Pre-pregnancy: tennis 4-5x a week, 2hrs. Incline walks 60 minutes & 50 min mat Pilates 2x week.

9+4 today, about a week ago I started getting my energy and mental clarity back to about 80% of my normal. Last Thursday was the first day I noticed my body really telling me “cool it” after a 3.5 hour tennis session - omg I was sore.

Decided to incorporate two days of 45min incline walks or elliptical with 25-30 min circuit training with 10 dumbbells/bodyweight/smith machine bar. I do upper & lower body together, a push day, pull day + 10 min abs. I can tell I will have to work harder to keep my muscle mass now so bringing the weights back in. Will have to keep tennis at 3x a week to stay in competition shape, my joints start to feel like trampolines around the 100 minute mark now.

Definitely thankful that it’s at least somewhat close to my normal! It certainly feels like my energy and mood has turned a huge corner, and I’m much more stable and consistent day to day since late last week. It’s certainly allowed me to enjoy my pregnancy more!

Hot tip: putting my sports bra in the dryer for 5 min before I leave to go to the gym has really helped the constant razor nipple pain.
@e2014 12 weeks and have suffered from nausea and fatigue since week 6. I’ve kept up doing about 45-60 mins of exercise each morning, a mix of running outside, lifting, and peloton bike. My nausea is best in the morning and progressively gets worse throughout the day until I’m super sick by nighttime. If I don’t workout first thing, it’s not happening. Really hoping I can get back to higher intensity or two-a-days when I hit the second trimester in the next few weeks, but proud of myself for now.
@e2014 23 weeks now but felt very similar to you weeks 8-14. Before pregnancy I lifted weights, did Pilates every day at home, and cardio with Zumba 2-3x/week.

Right now weights don’t feel good to me so I’m listening to my body and doing Pilates, Zumba, yoga. Also trying to walk at least 45 min/ day but it’s hard in Canadian winter 🥲

Be kind to yourself. Don’t push it and do what feels good. There’s plenty of time to build back up to what you were doing before after baby comes - you get to basically start from scratch and retrain a whole new body! I’m excited about that part.
@e2014 29 weeks with a 2.5 year old and I am keeping up with my pre-pregnancy workouts.

Mornings: ~20 min of pilates/power yoga movement. ~15-30 min of weightlifting. I like to do standing knee marches, bird dogs, side planks, squats…

Evening routine since hitting 3rd trimester: side lunge rocks, forward lunge rocks, and lizard lunge rocks 3x on each side. Between sides I do table top with knees together with feet wide and rock forward and back. Takes about 15-20 minutes. If I feel up to it, I hold frog pose, wide straddle, and wide split for a few minutes each.

I try to do as many squats as I can, so sometimes I’ll set reminders throughout the day to do 50 squats. My goal is 200-300. I also go on walks, take 1-2 vinyasa yoga classes a week, and 1-2 body pump (weight lifting) classes a week.

I try to be as active as possible because that makes me feel my best and stay grounded.
@e2014 14 weeks here! I was a marathon runner before pregnancy and I have run one mile total during pregnancy. For whatever reason running is very uncomfortable. It makes my nausea worse and just feels wrong. I’ve been zone 2 biking on the indoor trainer twice a week and do kettlebell workouts at a gym 3x week. That is working for me! I was doing more or less of this during first tri but went 2 weeks not doing anything cause I was so sick. I want to find a pelvic floor specialist soon to ask about why running is so uncomfortable but I am happy where I’m at now and giving myself lots of grace.
@e2014 27 weeks and I've changed from doing the Align pilates program to doing Laure Fitter videos on YT as well as some of the Pregnancy & Postpartum TV ones. Personally, I wanted pregnancy safe form reminders and exercises. Lauren Fitter is great - I've really been able to build up arm strength so I can cart this baby around when it gets here!
@e2014 I am 12w3days and I did not experience morning sickness, so I have kept up my workout routine for the most part (sorry I know that may stink to hear). But I am noticing small difficulties like: I can't seem to run as far or as fast without getting short of breath. I used to run about 3 miles at an 8min/8:30 pace and now my pace is more like 9:30. And it's harder to hit 3 miles.

I also have trouble with Bulgarian split squats or lunges. It feels really tight in my groin and lower abdomen all around my uterus. Things are just kind of wonky when I workout. I can't do as many push-ups but I'm not sure if that's because my breasts have gotten huge and literally weigh more and are harder to push up lol.

So all in all, lift 2/3 times a week, run 2/3 times a week, play tennis once a week, walk my dog every day about 1-2 miles. But all of my workouts are less rigorous than they used to be.
@e2014 I'm 11 + 1, and a runner. I had to take about 18 days totally off around week 6 because my nausea and vomiting was too severe. I cut my running mileage before than because I was so tired, so I'm working it back up slowly. Running around 40km per week right now, varying between easy, Fartlek and tempo. My heart rate is still a little high for the pace I'm doing, but it seems to be sorting itself out the more consistent I am. I just take it a day at a time with my perceived effort and knock the pace back if it's feeling too tough or I'm extra tired. Not training for a race, so I'm just running for fitness. It's pretty chill and casual.
@e2014 11 weeks

Stopped martial arts training (3-4x per week) and traded it in for cardio 3x week

I still lift 3x week. That hasn't changed
@e2014 Before pregnancy my workouts consisted of running/cardio and strength training with mostly Caroline Girven in YouTube. I had just finished my first half marathon and was about to start training for my 2nd when I figured out I was pregnant.

My morning sickness and fatigue made it impossible to train for the half marathon, so I mainly did strength a few days a week when I felt like my body would let me. I progressively got more energy and by 20 weeks I was able to work out doing cardio/strength 4-5 times a week. I did give up running quickly because it hurt by hips too much.

I can no longer do cardio, but I am 37 weeks. It’s was very humbling to get to the point where most exercises I would have considered easy/moderate are very hard. I have mainly been doing strength training with Sydney Cummings on YouTube. She was pregnant a few years ago and I am using her pregnancy playlist, which has been really nice as she modifies things for pregnancy.

I think the biggest thing I have learned is to modify my routine to what my body can tolerate. I had to listen body and let go of the idea that my workout routine was going to be the same as pre pregnancy. I feel like my routine went from challenging myself because I wanted to increase my strength/endurance to working out because I wanted to take care of my body for my baby and to hopefully help prepare me for delivery. That has been what has kept me going!

Good luck! Every workout, big or small, is a victory!
@e2014 34 weeks here! I could barely workout the first trimester. Ate a lot of crackers and cereal but since about 15 weeks I’ve been able to stick to a pretty consistent routine. It sounds like you have it pretty rough. I hope you feel better soon.

Weights 2x per week, HIIT + yoga 2x per week, Pilates + yoga once a week, and try to get walks in as many days as I can.
@e2014 Hey, there. I'm not a super athlete or anything, but I'm competent and consistent at a few sports and love outdoor cardio like trail running, mountain biking, backcountry skiing. I wanted to chime in as someone who has had two relatively easy and active pregnancies to say that I honestly think it's dumb luck. I don't think your friend is some sort of superwoman or that her level of fitness gave her an advantage over you. Of course, it helps to be healthy, but it sounds like you are! I think it just comes down to genetics and luck. It's totally unfair and I wish everyone could have easy pregnancies where you feel well enough to exercise and move and feel yourself all the way through. I have had people make similar "superwoman" comments about me as I continue running, lifting, and back country skiing. I just want to say, I'm no superwoman. Just lucky to have a body that somehow feels good while pregnant. Seriously, dumb luck. Not anything wrong with you or with what you're doing.

For what it's worth, I also have a body that grows babies that are too big. My first was enormous, particularly in height and head circumference. Terrible 50 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, then a cesarean. Now I'm in week 33, and it looks like this baby is big too. I'll try for VBAC, but chances are looking slim. Anyways, just to say, even those of us who make it look "easy" during the pregnant part can struggle with the birthing part, or with post partum. And hopefully there will be a part of this journey that comes easy for you.
@e2014 39+4 weeks today before pregnancy I did a combo of Pilates and strength 5 days a week and walked a bunch probably around 120 mins. I was exhausted / so sick my first trimester so I everything came to a stand still for a bit but I did work out sometimes. I had restrictions due to my high risk pregnancy so I couldn’t do certain things so I tried to stick to Pilates and walking during my 2nd trimester every day, start of my third trimester I get hit with exhaustion again so I slowed down a bit but still did pilates and a walk at least 3 times a week, week 36 I got all my energy back back like before pregnancy energy so I have been walking 4km a day and doing 30 min of pilates with weights every day, I can’t do all the moves like I want to obviously your stomach does get in the way and make things more difficult but I feel better physically then I have all pregnancy now
@e2014 8 weeks 5 days and my exercises has not changed. I lift 4x per week and get 10-15k steps per day. My usual was 12-15 but some days I’m too tired. I still train to 80% effort with most exercises