How do you have time to do anything?

@babszie We're kinda the same. I think it's just one of those things where you gotta do a test run and see if it's something you can incorporate into your routine. when baby gets older it's easier to do more sometimes! Maybe try home workouts at the moment?
@babszie I 100% could have written this. This is exactly my life. Except I keep my son up later so I can spend more time with him. My husband has suggested getting up early to go for walks and eventually runs when we can again but we already get up at 6, he leaves at 7 and I leave sometime between 7 and 8 depending on the day. I’m just so exhausted I don’t know how I’m supposed to get up earlier and still function. I used to do triathlons and marathons. Now I’m fat and lazy and I feel like both my mental and physical health are suffering.
@babszie You're not alone. I'm exhausted most days. I know I need to exercise but especially when they are young, and we already don't see them majority of 5 days each week, going to the gym feels selfish (I'm not actually saying it is, that's just how it feels to me).
@babszie You are not mismanaging anything-you have a baby! Try to take him walking or to the pool and give yourself some grace-it is really hard to have littles.
@babszie I get up before my kids (4:30/5ish) so I can exercise before they get up. Once a week or so I go swim after they're in bed and my husband watches the Sopranos and eats ice cream and is the adult in the house if anyone wakes up or needs anything. I did switch my hours after having kids to 8-4 so we have a little more time in the afternoon/evenings, but then that does take time from the mornings. My husband and I split pickup/dropoffs. We make a bigger meal Sunday/Monday and just reheat leftovers Tues/Weds. Something easy Thursday. Frozen pizza or grilling or something Friday. Except for the night I swim, I'm usually in bed before 9.
@babszie With help from my husband and an understanding employer. I work 45 minutes from home, and while I have the option to work hybrid, my only childcare is the school on campus. So I’m in office each day with the baby. I leave at 630. Get him in school by 715. In office by 730. No lunch break. I don’t cook. Period. I bring home food from work (very lucky to also have a half subsidized cafe on campus with cheap, healthy options). Baby and husband eat that. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my workout days. Unless there is an absolute emergency, those days I leave by 430. Get the baby and hit the road to be home by 6. Husband eats with the baby while I work out. I then handle bedtime.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday I might work a bit later if I need to catch up. But daycare closes at 6 so I don’t stay past 545. At home, husband and I split chores as equally as possible. We both know exactly which tasks need to be done each day and just each tackle something until it’s all done.

Weekends are flexible. I might go run errands out of the house while husband does chores in the house. We take turns manning the baby so the other can work out. We get a babysitter once a month for a date night. Our schedules are busy and hectic but we’re able to help each other make sure we both have time for our hobbies, jobs, and exercise.

None of this would be possible without a supportive husband, a flexible work schedule, and the ability to outsource healthy meals for my family.