@allfree15 It's ok! You really don't have to.
Does your LO
ever fall asleep another way? In a carrier, stroller, car, swing, being rocked, bounced, anything at all?
Because 4.5 months is still just so little. She's got a sleep regression and maybe a growth spurt going, and I always wonder if babies get growing pains; you would think they definitely would. She may be cluster feeding at a really inopportune time or comforting herself through growing pains the only way she knows how.
I can't remember if I read this or if my kid's pediatrician said it, but the advice was that if baby can sometimes fall asleep by other means (car ride, rocking, stroller, etc) you don't actually have a problem. If baby doesn't EVER fall asleep any other way, you're entering problem territory.