In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

@kinai It’s not that I am not allowed near her, it’s that she’s not allowed to babysit/be alone with our daughter. So I keep coming up with excuse after excuse to keep her away and I kind of feel like I am pushing her away and soon will reach a point where she won’t want anything to do with me.
@sam77 Read your post and saw your update. He’s gaslighting you!!! Making you think that you are at fault for everything, that this is all what you wanted in the first place, having you feel like you’re going crazy, he’s manipulating you and training you to not trust your own mind. Based on what you have shared, you might explore trying to get away from him for awhile. You can’t and shouldn’t have to do 17 more years of this. He’s not supporting you with your childcare and home load and he’s actively trying to keep you apart from your mom who can help you and provide valuable support. Run!