@narasa12 The first time, I bought a onesie and put it on his childhood teddy bear, and passed him the butter dish during dinner with the pee stick in it (lol classy.) We were TTC and hopeful, but I had a feeling I was pregnant and kept downplaying it as my period drew near, because it was due on our anniversary and I wanted to surprise him then.
The second time, I got him a blueberry onesie and plush blueberry in a blueberry carton. (During my first pregnancy one day I was wearing a blue maternity top one day and started dancing around saying "I look like a goddamn blueberry" which was one of his favorite pregnancy memories that he had mentioned a few times while TTC#2.)
Buuuuuuut, the cycle I got my BFP I was spotting and feeling out, and he was home watching our son so I could go to a doctor's appointment, and after I came home he was like "just pee on a test before I go back to work, I wanna know."
I thought for sure it would be a waste of a test because I was definitely out and it was only 10dpo anyway...But I got a squinter so faint I had to ask him to look. With our son I tested at 12dpo and it was an obvious positive, but this was so faint I thought it must be an evap.
He wasn't sure either. So I took another test in a different brand, and BFN. I told him it was probably just a fluke test and he left for work all disappointed. 5 minutes later I looked at the second test again and it also had a faint squinter line that hasn't shown up within the testing limit.
So I thought "okay, two faulty tests, two different brands? Better test tomorrow just in case." Waited until the next day, tested with three different brands, all positive within the time limit, all with darker lines. Oh.
So that night I tried to slyly do the ol butter dish trick again but he spotted it right away and was like "I KNEW IT. I THOUGHT IT WAS A REAL LINE AND YOU WERE BULLSHITTING ME" lol. So much for the surprise. He WAS surprised by the blueberry themed gifts though and thought they were great. I put the new onesie on the teddy bear again and he took the blueberry to work, where he says it makes him happy every time he sees it in his office, and people always ask him about it.
So, could be worse. But if I had any inkling I was actually pregnant that month I totally wouldn't have tested that early OR with him around, just so the element of surprise would be bigger.