How did you reveal your pregnancy to your S.O.?

@narasa12 I got my positive one evening while hubs was watching the Disney Channel (he never does that, which makes it funnier) so I just walked in and said, "Oh good, you'd better get really used to watching that kind of stuff, because you're going to be watching it for the next few years."

Cue hubs excitedly saying, "I knew you were!"

Because he'd been telling me for a week I was pregnant, even though I wasn't even late at that time.
@teresa1957 This reminds me... A friend from work mentioned a few weeks ago during our fertile window that his wife had a dream about my wife being pregnant and me doting all over her (which I fully intend to do) . I kind of laughed it off and said something like "I hope that's a prophetic dream!" . He is a work friend so him and his wife don't really know my wife that we'll, but he is also one of the only people I have talked to about Ttc. I was very much hoping it was a good omen and it seems it was!

Edit: it was also only 1 of several omens I had this month that I was desperately hoping would be prophetic. Lol
@narasa12 I also had planned a cute reveal. I hadn't quite decided what I was gona do but I wanted to do something simple with the test.

However as soon as I saw those pink faint lines I ran out to ask hubby if he saw them too. Couldn't contain my excitement. And of course, he was like umm that's really faint (I was only 10dpo). He didn't really believe me until I showed him a digital with it on. Even then he was scared I would lose it.
@narasa12 Uh, yeah, after 14mo TTC and an IUI cycle start scheduled for the following week my husband didn't get anything more elaborate than a shout down stairs: "Hey, We need to buy more pregnancy tests." Because a single 4hr old wandfo wasn't cutting it for me.

The next several days of science experiments with cups of pee and various brands of tests were not very romantic, but in a way, suits us as a couple. Lol.
@narasa12 I am absolutely loving these stories!

I wanted to do something cute, but after a few months of trying with no success, I didn't actually expect a BFP on the day I got one. My husband knew that Amazon delivered a box of pregnancy tests, but didn't realize that I had run to the bathroom to pee on one within minutes of the delivery. When I walked out of the bathroom, he was on a call with work that lasted 30 MINUTES! I paced around the house until he walked out of the office and saw me waiting in the hallway with the biggest smile on my face. He looked at me and asked, "did you take a test?!?" and he knew the answer right away. After celebrating with lots of hugs and tears, he finally said: "Celebratory Margaritas tonight!"
@narasa12 I'm awful at keeping any type of secret from my husband, and this was no exception. So unfortunately, no cute story to report here. :)

I had tested with a wondfo before going to bed, and there was a very faint second line. I woke up around 2 am to use the bathroom, took another test and got another squinter. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night... I was just staring at the tests trying to figure out if it was an evap line or what. I woke up my husband to show him, and he thought I was crazy.

He went to work in the morning, I ran out and got some first response tests -- a second line CLEARLY showed up. When he got home, I took a photo of the positive tests with his phone and made it his background. Of course he wasn't caught completely off guard because 1) we'd been trying and I'd been tracking my cycle pretty obsessively, and 2) I had tried to convince him that my tests the night before were positives.
@narasa12 We had been trying for about 20 months and had just had our introductory appointment at the fertility clinic. I had started spotting on the Wednesday night so thought period was again imminent. But it must have been implantation bleeding cos it had stopped by the next day. By Saturday I was wondering but made myself wait until Sunday to test as then I would be late. Tested early Sunday morning while hubs was making breakfast. Clear blue digital came up 2 - 3 weeks before I'd even washed my hands. Heart racing I ran down stairs and shoved it in a very surprised hubs face. I didn't even think to say Happy Valentines day. We were both so shocked that we didn't quite know whether to believe it. So we went to play some Rocket League to calm down!
@narasa12 The first time, I bought a onesie and put it on his childhood teddy bear, and passed him the butter dish during dinner with the pee stick in it (lol classy.) We were TTC and hopeful, but I had a feeling I was pregnant and kept downplaying it as my period drew near, because it was due on our anniversary and I wanted to surprise him then.

The second time, I got him a blueberry onesie and plush blueberry in a blueberry carton. (During my first pregnancy one day I was wearing a blue maternity top one day and started dancing around saying "I look like a goddamn blueberry" which was one of his favorite pregnancy memories that he had mentioned a few times while TTC#2.)

Buuuuuuut, the cycle I got my BFP I was spotting and feeling out, and he was home watching our son so I could go to a doctor's appointment, and after I came home he was like "just pee on a test before I go back to work, I wanna know."

I thought for sure it would be a waste of a test because I was definitely out and it was only 10dpo anyway...But I got a squinter so faint I had to ask him to look. With our son I tested at 12dpo and it was an obvious positive, but this was so faint I thought it must be an evap.

He wasn't sure either. So I took another test in a different brand, and BFN. I told him it was probably just a fluke test and he left for work all disappointed. 5 minutes later I looked at the second test again and it also had a faint squinter line that hasn't shown up within the testing limit.

So I thought "okay, two faulty tests, two different brands? Better test tomorrow just in case." Waited until the next day, tested with three different brands, all positive within the time limit, all with darker lines. Oh.

So that night I tried to slyly do the ol butter dish trick again but he spotted it right away and was like "I KNEW IT. I THOUGHT IT WAS A REAL LINE AND YOU WERE BULLSHITTING ME" lol. So much for the surprise. He WAS surprised by the blueberry themed gifts though and thought they were great. I put the new onesie on the teddy bear again and he took the blueberry to work, where he says it makes him happy every time he sees it in his office, and people always ask him about it.

So, could be worse. But if I had any inkling I was actually pregnant that month I totally wouldn't have tested that early OR with him around, just so the element of surprise would be bigger.
@narasa12 I woke him up at 4:30 in the morning (or maybe he woke up to go to the bathroom) and showed him the test. I was shaking a little. He peered at it for a minute, asked if two lines meant yes, then hugged me for a long time.

I'd have loved to make some booties to box up with the test, but unfortunately I'm bad at secrets and the positive was pretty unexpected considering I didn't even think I had ovulated that month. We were right around the year point, cycle 13.
@narasa12 My husband was driving from his aunt and uncles in Ohio to his temporary apartment in Pennsylvania. I called, asked how his trip was going, and how traffic was. When I confirmed he was on a farm road going relatively slowly I told him the news. I thought about asking him to pull over but luckily he didn't need to. He then started crying a little. :)
@narasa12 The first time, we were on our way back from our honeymoon and I was noticing all the smells in the airport so I got home, and tested the 2nd morning we were back. The second time, after the miscarriage, I was headed into a weekend where I could be drinking 3 days in a row and so since my nausea had never fully went away from the miscarriage, my husband was encouraging me to test. I did, it said pregnant so I called him and said, "you aren't going to believe this".
@narasa12 I just told my husband lol. He doesn't like cute surprises or anything (though I wish he did!!!) so I just let him know he was gonna be a dad again, when we were due, etc. We're both pretty excited though! :)
@narasa12 I feel lame...I just asked him after 2 days of testing three times positive...

" would you feel about being a dad..."

I was nervous, he was surprisingly excited and told me he knew ever since my rant on how amazing pickles and yogurt tastes together.
@narasa12 I showed DH the faint test and he didn't believe it... So I went to work that night, got home at 0730 the next morning, and he woke me up at 1130 to take another test. Man almost died before he became a father.
@narasa12 I took the test a day before my husbands birthday, so I waited for the next day, to confirm with bunch of other tests and to give him a nice present :)
So in the morning, when he woke up, I took out the cake I made, lighted up the candles, and after he made a wish and blew them out, I gave him a wrapped onesie. He stared at it for about 5 seconds before he realized. It was such a beautiful moment :)
@narasa12 My dude works until midnight, so I took a test in the late evening and then left it on the bathroom sink, got into bed with the cats and waited for him to come home. He always says hello and then goes straight to have a shower, so I heard him go in the bathroom, a couple minutes later he comes running out, naked, with the test in his hand and the stupidest grin on his face.
@narasa12 I wanted to do something cute, ended up waking up early and taking a test. My period was a day late anyway. We're were trying for 2 months but I figured it'd be negative because the timing didn't seem the best (we didn't have much sex because we were busy that month, but got some fun 2 days before I ovulated).

It was positive! I went to surprise him, he was sleeping when I woke up to pee...

I came back into the bedroom with it behind my back in case he was half awake because I got out of bed. I walked in to him standing before the door and doing his pee dance. I started smiling huge so he knew something was up.

Basically I told him while he needed to pee and we got emotional and hugged and kissed and it was super cute. Then he ran to the bathroom haha