How Can We Make r/sleeptrain A Better Sub for Sleepy Parents?

@shiftybroccoli You could add age specific post flair (perhaps 0-8 weeks, 9-16 weeks, 4-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, 12-18 months, 18-24 months, 2+ years) and then people can filter by that flair and find posts for babies in their baby's age range.
@neilgram That would be amazing. At 7 weeks I basically thought my child was suddenly broken when it was just a growth spurt and sleep regression kicking his ass
@shiftybroccoli I don’t agree with banning duplicate posts. If you don’t like it, just move past it. But it’s helpful for people to be able to ask their questions and get answers, in my view, even if similar questions have already been asked before.
@katrina2017 I agree- to a point.

Something that drives me away from Facebook groups and discussion boards like BabyCenter are the almost daily repeated questions. BUT I don't think banning duplicate posts all together is needed, either. Perhaps anything repeated for that day or even that week.

New people join and some just don't sift through the daily posts to see if their question has already been discussed. Questions are going to pop up again and again, but it makes life much easier to tone it down a little and encourage scrolling through the posts.
@katrina2017 I’ve been asking myself that question for almost two years now. SMH. I think this is an issue across read it. On the infertility sub for people who were unsuccessful and now living child free, there are always people with children who post on the sub and it’s super annoying. Like, read the room, people!
@shiftybroccoli I’ve made a number of posts on here and unfortunately, most don’t even get a response or even an upvote. It’s like no one is viewing them :( I wish there was more community interaction.
@sergeyevich I think also part of this may be related to duplicate posting, not enough information, and then the plain fact that we don’t have all the answers. Most of us can only speak to our experience.
@shiftybroccoli How about auto comment on every post that asks for the basic info like "you'll get the best advice of your post includes the following info
  • age
  • bedtime
  • number of naps
  • current wake windows"
@shiftybroccoli Adding a wiki or FAQ type page (across the header) that includes the reading and other resources currently on the side bar. Then those pages can be linked to when there repeat questions. It is also more obvious being at the top of the header when viewing on a browser, at least.
@cristal19 Yes!!! I only get time to access this sub on mobile (usually while rocking to extend a nap). It isn’t easy to find previous posts related to key themes like short naps or early wakeups, so I probable added to the duplicate post problem. Maybe I am missing some resources when using the app??? Anyway, a FAQ/wiki page is a great idea!
@jo1997 Kind of related... a rule/reminder to include the age of the kid in the title? May not work if not all posts are about a specific child (e.g. advice in general)
Also agree with the idea of an autobot reply when there are certain key words or to remind posters to include relevant info like age and schedule.
@tomfst I'm going to go against the grain and vote against weekly themed posts. There are tons of great uses for weekly themed posts but I have never felt they were a good place to direct people seeking advice. The chances your question will be seen goes WAAAY down. Almost every time I've posted in a sub that uses these and my post was removed and redirected to a "questions megathread" my question gets hardly any (often times none) responses.

They are great for sharing ideas, recommendations, stories, etc. Because people can find them and browse through. But they aren't super functional for asking advice or questions in my experience.

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