Hey low suppliers, when did you stop breastfeeding?

@oceanbreeze4evr I breastfed for 7 months, pumped for last 4 of them bc she refused to latch.I felt so much relief after I stopped and my mental health got so much better to not see such a small amount of milk for so much effort.
@oceanbreeze4evr I stopped at 4 months. I was on Reglan and maxed out at 7 oz per day. My daughter had to be hospitalized for RSV and they asked if I’d like to be accommodated to keep pumping in the hospital, and it just seemed like the time to let it go. I’m still sad about not getting the breastfeeding experience with her I hoped for, but I accepted I tried everything I could to help my supply. I totally understand the emotional attachment - baby and I enjoyed comfort nursing and I do miss that. But now we have more time to connect through play since I’m not pumping all day. Ultimately I think you’ll just know when the time is right. I “stopped” then started again twice before finally stopping for good.
@oceanbreeze4evr I will say that my daughter seems to notice when there’s no milk coming out of the binky if she’s hungry. It might depend on how your kid reacts to that.
@oceanbreeze4evr I was in a similar boat. Combo feed since the beginning almost. My supply was less than expected and it’s been an emotional rollercoaster. Right before he turned 11 months we slowed feeding. Between big life changes and him wanting more solids he has fazed me out. I’ve cried a bit about it and debate pumping on and off. This wasn’t what I planned. Like you I wanted to do it until he was 2 or 3 but that’s not in the cards for us. I wish you the best on this next chapter.
@ojr Aw. It really is emotional isn’t it? Did you feel better once a decision is made? I think once I decide I will be in a better place. I remember initially when I tried with both breasts but only one worked. The left only produced a few drops. I finally made peace with that and stopped trying that side and never looked back.
@oceanbreeze4evr I’m in the same boat but opposite side. Right side will only produce a few drops so I’ve been mainly feeding on my left, I’ve been told my right is hypoplastic. Now my left breast is significantly larger than my right.
@oceanbreeze4evr We are on about week three of full stop. First to weeks I felt pretty emotional. It’s getting better. I have a little bit of milk saved to make into jewelry later when I’ve got some extra money. We also made sure to take photos through out our journey and one day I can make a photo album for me. My therapist and I had been talking about this for a couple months now so I have been preparing in a way.
@oceanbreeze4evr I nursed both kids into their twos. I kept taking domperidone until they lost interest then I also weaned myself. They were both on solids and it was mostly a connection thing since they were getting fluids and nutrients from food/drinks. We’d nurse for a while when I came home from work and before bed. It was nice.
@tiberiu31 I had to stop nursing during the day when my son got teeth around five months. I still
offer the breast during the night.
I didn’t think you could take domperidone that long. My doctor wouldn’t allow me to stay on it any longer than a few months.