Help me set expectations: How much of a relief, physically, is having the twins out?

@billbydesign It is literally night and day, you will feel so much better. And the c section healing is painful, but it’s a different kind of pain than you were experiencing before, so there’s that.
@billbydesign Physical relief is hard to say. I was put under for my section so I woke up to painfully swollen feet, exhaustion, and major pain at my incision site. But I also toughed it out without meds, so thats probably my fault. But the stress of having to keep 2 babies alive... the pregnancy stress was so much easier. As soon as I held my boys all I could think about was how if I lost them my entire world would be crushed. The fear of loving something that much was crippling. That got a bit easier in the past 2 months though. So, as funny as it sounds while you're dealing with how shitty pregnancy is, enjoy it while you can. And maybe do something now that you would want to do before you have to watch babies 24/7.
@billbydesign My babies were nowhere near as big as yours, but I had terrible hip and back pain for the last few months.

Good news is it felt instantly better once the babies were out. Bad news, 8 months later my back pain has come back (but nowhere near as bad). I’m yet to see a physio to confirm it’s the same pain as I don’t have time. But hopefully you’ll have better luck than I!
@billbydesign I had an urgent csection at 33+5 after 10 days in the hospital on almost constant fetal monitoring because of heart decelerations in our growth restricted twin. The babies were only 4 lbs and 6 lbs 2 oz. I said “oh my gosh I feel so much better” at least 4 times during my C-section. Hang in there! It gets better basically the second they pull the babies out. My heartburn is gone. Back pain and pelvic pain were both immediately gone.
@billbydesign In the recovery room the nurses would ask about my pain on a scale of 1-10 and I always said ZERO. The sense of relief was that major.

At home it did take some time before I was able to lay on my side on the couch for the duration of an entire episode of tv. The hips didn’t recover overnight.

Sending best wishes to you!!
@billbydesign I had an elective c section 10 days ago at 36 +5, twin 1 was 5lbs 4oz and twin 2 was 5lbs 14oz. My ribs, hips, groin area were in absolute agony. I couldn't breathe, constantly felt dizzy and was just uncomfortable.

The relief after they were out was just amazing, no pain (expect a little discomfort where the section was done, especially if I lapse in my pain relief regime).

You've got this mama 💪
@billbydesign It was a major relief. I literally bounced out of bed the next day (although I was also lucky with a straight forward birth). Nothing post birth was on par with the last month of being pregnant with twins.
@billbydesign My PSD went away pretty much immediately. I remember getting out of bed for the first time after my C-section (at 37+1) and even though the incision hurt it was such a relief to not have the PSD pain anymore. My legs would still swell for a week or so after the babies were born, but not painfully so. I was severely anemic after my c-section. But mine wasn’t planned and was an emergency so I ended up losing a decent amount of blood. I was on iron supplements until just a couple weeks ago and my twins are a year old next week. Overall though not being pregnant anymore was such a physical relief.

Edit: spelling
@billbydesign Mine were also right around 15 pounds combined. They were born vaginally so your mileage will vary, but an hour later I was walking to the bathroom without hip pain/discomfort. I was sore from just giving birth but all the pregnancy pain was gone. The swelling immediately started to improve but took about two weeks to go away completely.
@billbydesign As soon as I delivered Baby A, the relief was instant. INSTANT. And then got even better when they broke Baby B’s water and even better when I delivered Baby B. I had a vaginally delivery with both so for the first week or less I was uncomfortable for totally different reasons, but all of the discomfort from pregnancy was gone. It was great!
@billbydesign I wasn’t well after my c section and even despite that, I felt instantly I could breathe again and move freely. Being able to tie my shoes myself was great! Be aware of the possibility of night sweats for the first two or three weeks.
@billbydesign I delivered at 35+5 I think and our boys were almost 5lbs each. I felt crappy that last week: turns out I had HELLP syndrome so I’m sure that contributed to the discomfort, but I’d been getting more and more uncomfortable for weeks and it just felt like more of the same. As crappy and groggy as I was that first day postpartum, I felt like a million bucks compared to how I felt previously! I was certainly tired just from having the c section for a few weeks (let alone the sleep deprivation from caring for the boys around the clock), but my discomfort from the surgery didn’t last but a couple weeks and the hardest was just the first couple of days postpartum.

But no more trying to find a comfortable place with every pillow in the house for my gigantic belly, no more bandages to cover my stretched out navel, enough room in my body for food and air again. Phew, that’s heaven! 😂
@billbydesign I had preeclampsia so I had to be on magnesium so I sort of swapped one discomfort for another. Having a catheter was honestly amazing for me to not have to pee every 5 seconds for the first time in months. Once I was off the magnesium I felt instantly better. Then of course lack of sleep and inability to produce milk for days sent me into a mental spiral. But after about 10 days I was good again. Not sure that helps you or not but 5 mo the in we’re doing amazing
@billbydesign I delivered at 38+5 and unfortunately I didn’t feel as much relief as I expected. I still had a lot of the pelvic pain that I had before delivery and had trouble sleeping because I couldn’t find a comfortable position (in addition to frequent wake ups for feedings). And I was still exhausted and had pain from tearing during delivery. It’s been almost a month post delivery and finally starting to feel more normal.
@billbydesign As soon as my waters broke I felt so much relief! I could actually bend over and pick something off the floor!

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to sleep on my front since they were born. I think my spine has been permanently changed and it’s just not confortable anymore. And I was really looking forward to it, too!