Help me set expectations: How much of a relief, physically, is having the twins out?

@billbydesign Physical relief is hard to say. I was put under for my section so I woke up to painfully swollen feet, exhaustion, and major pain at my incision site. But I also toughed it out without meds, so thats probably my fault. But the stress of having to keep 2 babies alive... the pregnancy stress was so much easier. As soon as I held my boys all I could think about was how if I lost them my entire world would be crushed. The fear of loving something that much was crippling. That got a bit easier in the past 2 months though. So, as funny as it sounds while you're dealing with how shitty pregnancy is, enjoy it while you can. And maybe do something now that you would want to do before you have to watch babies 24/7.

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