Help me set expectations: How much of a relief, physically, is having the twins out?

@ginny16 Same, I'm thinking of all the things I need to do now, schedule physical therapy, get Epson salt to soak feet, nap as much as possible now since sleep sounds horrible further out.....the list goes on
@billbydesign Our twins were 6.5 lbs and 7 lbs at delivery at 37+2 and getting the spinal was the first part of relief and literally as soon as they pulled out Twin A, I was able to take a deep breath for the first time in months. I was a huge swollen Michelin Man for 3 weeks postpartum due to fluids/transfusions and preeclampsia (I lost around 25-30 lbs of excess fluid in that time) and I still felt a million times better than I did carrying them around at the end.
@billbydesign Yes it’s so true! And sweating, so much sweating. Be prepared to change your clothes a few times a day. But honestly it’s such a physical relief, it doesn’t even matter!
@billbydesign Huge relief! I carried to 37.5 weeks with my twins. I was barely mobile by the end, in constant hip/pelvic pain. Around 1 week postpartum we took our first double stroller walk around the neighbourhood, it felt amazing. You got this!
@armadilloca Oh man even thinking about walking around the block.... did you have a C-Section or vaginal delivery? I'm unfortunately locked into the section due to a seizure disorder, don't want to have a seizure mid-delivery.
@billbydesign I had vaginal delivery, but came away with a broken tailbone (eek). But at least for me the aches and pains post-delivery were different than that constant pressure and discomfort of pregnancy. I was still in much better shape despite the injury and that gradually got better (not like pregnancy pain that just kept getting worse and worse). Expect some discomfort post-delivery, but it will ease, and you’ll be back on your feet before you know it!
@billbydesign I am of 5’6” and average weight and I carried my di/di twins to 38+1. I cried after my 37 weeks appointment because I was in so much pain and I wasn’t being induced. I gained 53 lbs during the pregnancy and dropped 40lbs after the first week they were born. I was retaining so much fluid in my legs I no longer had knees or ankles. I remember feeling relief immediately after my son was born, he was baby A, and he was the smaller of my twins. I would say not everything will get better right away but a lot of your symptoms hopefully will within the first few days.
@billbydesign Had my section at 38+2, Baby A was 8lb and Baby B was 6lb. The relief was instant. I had horrible reflux and as I was getting wheeled into the OR I kept wishing I could just take a dang Tums… as soon as they were out it was just gone. It was wild. They’re 7 weeks old now, so it’s all pretty fresh still! Recovery from the C-section was a breeze compared to being 38 weeks pregnant with twins 🤣
@billbydesign Breathing and peeing were absolutely glorious experiences after the twins were born. I had problems staying hydrated because my squished bladder bladder was only holding a few tablespoons before needing to go again. And at 5'2", baby B was fighting for space with my lungs practically in my ribcage.

As for the baby weight, i started my pregnancy obese (200lbs) so was already trying not to gain too much. I was up to 247lbs before I had them at 35w+4 (spontaneous labour, VBAC). Twin A was 5lbs 7 oz, Twins B was 6 lbs 15oz! 3 days after delivery i was down to 234 lbs and just under 4 weeks later I was 213 lbs. It dropped fast.
@billbydesign The relief is pretty immediate HOWEVER there are other things that pop up or take time to heal from. Firstly, your core will be pretty beat up and will need time to regain its strength. Getting up after having the twins felt like my intestines were gonna fall out. Secondly, my hips felt worse about 2 weeks postpartum but differently then when they did while pregnant. (This actually happened after I had my singleton as well and I believe it’s due to the relaxin hormone because my hips felt very “loose”). Also, you’ll have some cramping postpartum and the ever fun breast issues.
All in all, it’s still wildly better than where you are now though
@billbydesign Made it to almost 36w and felt immediate relief. I was also so swollen I lost 40lbs in the 1st week. I also feel better rested waking up with newborns than I did while pregnant.
@billbydesign I felt a huge relief. One of my twins was literally under my rib cage. When they popped her out they could finally breathe. It took a few weeks for the water weight to go away but breathing was better. Though the physical recovery from the c-section once pain killers wore off (repeatedly because my nurses were busy do meds were often 2-3 hours late) was a bitch.
@billbydesign I had my boys this April at 35 weeks. Twin A was 5lb, 8oz. My twin B was 7lb, 8oz. I had polyhydramnios in B’s sac and I was hilariously huge early on. I’m on the taller side with a short torso and thin, so these boys put a LOT of stress on my body. I cannot imagine how big they would’ve been if I made it to my 38+4 section date.

I worked a very physical job which only exacerbated how broken down my body felt; my hips felt like they were held together by Dollar Tree tape. Twin B in all his transverse glory was constantly jabbing, kicking, and stretching well into my ribs. To top it all off, I sprained my hip a week before I spontaneously went into labor, putting me in pain so immense I couldn’t even walk. I cried basically all of the third trimester from frustration and pain.

When they pulled Twin A out I immediately felt relief. I couldn’t pin point exactly what it was, but he came out and it’s like my whole body went “Ahhhhh…” Hip pain? Instantly gone, even the sprain felt inconsequential. Sure, I was in pain from the delivery but somehow that was way more bearable than the last month of pregnancy trying to walk, squat, or hell, lay down. Rib pain? Gone. Shortness of breath? Gone. I spent so, so much time during pregnancy scouring this sub for anyone who was at a similar point in pregnancy because I just wanted someone to A. validate my pain by sharing theirs and B. Suffer with me (lmao) instead of reading about all these people promising that I’d feel better in 12, then 10, maybe 6 more weeks.

Generally, expect all the pains of pregnancy to disappear. I can’t recall ever feeling the same kind of pain and misery that I felt toward the end of pregnancy after delivering. I didn’t have a ton of help once we were home- I just had my husband for two weeks and then I was on my own with 3 under 2. By that two week mark I felt back to normal as long as I didn’t over do it, which is hard with an almost 2 year old and trying to get organized at home since the boys came earlier than we planned. I am not yet at my 6 week mark and I still have some shooting pains in my incision, but I had a way, way better experience recovering from my c-section than I did with my vaginal birth, both physically and mentally. I’d like to think that that was the universe giving me a break after the pregnancy :)

You’re so close! I know it’s annoying to read and I know the next few days will move slower than molasses in winter but just know that you only have to embrace the suck a little bit longer so you can bring those big healthy babies into the world.